The dragon's name in Mulan, his purpose was to guide Mulan on her Journey
Finish the quote, "Fish are friends,...."
"...not food."
Mickey Mouse's Girlfriend.
Minnie Mouse
This movie has a baby elephant as its main character.
"The snow ___glows_______ white on the mountain tonight, not a footprint to be seen."
Name this character:
Hei Hei
Princess Merida is very good at
He says, "Ride like the wind Bullseye!"
True or false: is Shrek a Disney movie?
False, it is a Dreamworks movie.
"From the day we arrive on the planet, and blinkink_, step into the sun."
lion king
What kind of animal is Bambi?
A deer
The college that Sully and Mike go to:
Monsters University
The name of Bambi's rabbit friend
Which Disney movie was the first to feature a duet that includes a hero and a villian?
"Look for the bare necessities, the simple bare necessities. Forget about your worries and your strife."
Jungle Book
The name of the reindeer in Frozen.
This European city is the setting for the movie "Ratatouille".
The name of Princess Jasmine's pet tiger
Which Disney movie was the most expensive to make?
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
"But fish in the bowl is lucky, they're in for a worser fate..."
Under the Sea
Little Mermaid
Name 2 of the main characters in the movie Inside Out.
Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, Fear
(Riley and Bing Bong will also be acceptable)
The other droid that is in the movie Wall-E.
The only Disney princess that has a child.
(Hint: It wasn't in the original movie)
(Her daughter's name is Melody)
Sean Connery was almost cast as this character in the movie, The Lion King
"We dig up diamonds by the score, a thousand rubies, sometimes more."
Snow white