A father fish sets out on a wild journey to find his son who has been captured in the ocean and put into a fish tank, in which movie?
Finding Nemo
Which circus elephant is born with very large ears?
Who says "To infinity...and beyond!"?
Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story)
"See the line where the sky meets the sea? It calls me. And no ones knows, How far I'll go"
are lines from what movie?
What is the name of the song that Jasmine and Aladdin sing together?
“A Whole New World”
A girl pretends to be a man and goes to war so her father does not have to in what movie?
Which girl has a dream of opening the finest restaurant in New Orleans, but accidentally gets turned into a frog?
Who says "Some people are worth melting for..."?
Olaf (Frozen)
"We don't talk about Bruno"
is from what movie?
Timon, Pumba and Simba sing this song in the Lion King
“Hakuna Matata”
Who finds a lamp, becomes friends with a genie and together they try and save Agrabah?
Who is the mean hunter who wanted to marry Belle, even by force if necessary?
Who says "Honey, where is my super suit!?"
Mr. Incredible (the Incredibles)
"Let the storm rage on...The cold never bothered me anyway"
is from what movie?
"And then I'll brush and brush and brush and brush my hair" is sung in which movie?
While in a forest, which princess discovers a cottage with 7 little men living in it?
Who is the dog from Up that has a collar that speaks for him?
Who says "Ohana means family and family means noone gets left behind"?
Lilo (Lilo and Stitch)
"Oh, I just can't wait to be king"
is from which movie?
the Lion King
What is the name of the movie that ends with the song “Try Everything”?
A gorilla saved a human baby from a fire and raised him in the jungle with other animals in what movie?
Who is the inventor from Beauty and the Beast that is also Belle's father?
Who says "This is the day you will always remember as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow!"?
Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean)
"Let's get down to business, to defeat, the Huns"
is from which movie?
What is the name of the song that Meg sings in Hercules when she is confused about her feelings?
“I Won’t Say I’m In Love”