Character and Conflict
Narrative Devices
Literary Techniques
Tone and Style

What role did Tarzan play in the movie Tarzan?

Protagonist: The main figure of a story.


In the movie Frozen they sang a song that said,"Love is an open door." What type of narrative device is used in this line?

Metaphor: A figure of speech in which a word is applied to an object or action to which is not literally applicable. 


The title of these stories, Mickey Mouse and Peter Pan are examples of what literary technique?

Alliteration: The occurrence of the same letter or sound in the beginning of closely connected words. 


What is the theme in the movie Toy Story?

The theme is friendship. Theme: A central idea or message that is consistent throughout a story.


In the movie Toy Story Buzz Lightyear says,"the sky is the limit."What type of literary device is being used knowing that he is not meaning this literally?

Idiom: When words are used to not mean the the actual definition.


In the movie Inside Out what type of conflict is Riley going through?

Character vs self: A type of conflict that takes place in the characters mind.


In the movie Brave Merida tells her mom (Elinor) she is a beast in a heated argument. Later on in the movie Elinor turns into a bear. What type of narrative device is this?

Foreshadowing: Hints or clues about what will happen later on in the story.


In the movie Lion King Zazu says,"Cheetahs never prosper." Meaning cheetahs as cheaters. What literary technique is this?

Pun: A play on words.


What is the tone of the movie Bambi?

The tone is sad. Tone: The mood implied by an author's word choice and the way that the text can make a reader feel.


The song Zero To Hero in the movie Hercules is what type of literary device?

Oxymoron:When contradicting terms are together in a conjunction.


In the movie Star Wars Luke Skywalker vs. Darth Vader is what type of conflict would this be?

Character vs Character conflict: Two characters struggling or fighting against each other.


What narrative device is the whole movie Toy Story based on with the toys talking and acting like humans.

Personification: Giving human traits to non-human characters.


In the movie A Bugs Life they say,"My wings are beating 1000 times a second!" What Literary technique is used?

Hyperbole: An exaggeration for emphasis or effect.


In the movie Inside Out, Joy and Disgust are telling the workers,"Boy are we glad to see you." The workers interpret as a different way. What type of tone did the workers think they were using?

Sarcasm: A type of verbal irony that mocks. Its really more of a tone of voice.


A song from the movie Beauty And The Beast says,"wasting in my lonely tower, waiting by an open door. What type of literary device is the author using?

Imagery: The author using words to put a picture in the readers mind.


What type of conflict is Moana going through when her boat keeps flipping over?

Man vs Nature: The protagonist is fighting against natural forces like weather or animals.


In the movie Ratatouille Anton Egos was about to take a bite of his food when he went back in his mind to his favorite meal when he was a boy. What is this called?

Flashback: A scene in a story set in a time earlier then when the story takes place.


In the movie The Incredibles Mr Incredible is a superhero and he gets arrested for saving someone from suicide. What literary technique is this?

Irony: Expression of somebodys meaning by using language that normally means the opposite.


The show Family Guy mocks and makes fun of a lot of different things. What type of show is this?

Parody: A story that is created to make fun of or imitate the original story.


In the movie Frozen Elsa sings the phrase,"Let it go," multiple times to make more of an impact of those words in the movie. What literary device is being used?

Repetition: Repeating certain words or phrases to send out a message or use emphasis.


What role did Clayton play in the movie Tarzan?

Antagonist: One that contends with or opposes another character in the story.


In the movie Hercules all of the greek mythology is what?

Allusion: A brief, indirect, or implied reference to a person, place, event, or another work of literature.


In the movie Moana the big crab says,"I'd rather be shiny, LIKE a treasure from a sunken pirate wreck." What literary technique is used in this line?

Simile: A description of something using like or as.


The movie Cool Runnings the purpose is to make you laugh so what type of movie is it?

Comedy: It is a broad genre of film mainly to make the audience laugh.


In the movie Lion King Simba is sad and mopes around feeling guilty for his father's death not knowing Scar killed his father even though the audience knows. What type of irony is this?

Dramatic Irony: Where the audience knows what the characters in the story have not found out yet.