Disney Movies
Disney Movies

Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first she meets and then teams up with three strangers to kill again.

Wizard of Oz


Young pop singer is in love with a foreign guy from a far off country.  She goes to a social outcast to figure out how to gain her guy, and is told to shut her mouth and use her body alone to win her guy.  While she tries this method, the outcast, an older woman, dresses younger and comes onto the same guy, speaking up to him, keeping him under her thumb, and controlling him in a way that the pop singer was told she couldn’t.

Little Mermaid


An emotionally-immature and lonely man builds a doll and calls it his son



A man is dissatisfied with his job and the social stigma that comes with it.  He joins the army and hates it. Next he becomes an engineer and coach, and catches a bad guy as well.

Wreck it Ralph!


A woman is shot and killed.  Her teenage son is left to fend for himself on his own while he finds love and searches for his biological father.



Young guy is left alone when everyone moves away due to the drop in value the land has in their area.  Young guy spends time, alone, improving the land.  Dominating, single-minded young woman comes to check on his progress, he falls in love with her, and ditches all of his accomplishments to follow her home.



A rebellious boy goes to a rough part of town and is kidnapped by traffickers who want to sell his body to an aggressive woman who will use him roughly until he will most likely die.  Boy’s father teams up with an incompetent mentally handicapped woman to find his son.

Finding Nemo


A kid convinces a family of kids to run away and join a group of kids who play house together, all the while avoiding a serial child killer.

Peter Pan


Teenage girl has been an only child for years, but her parents have a new baby.  She runs away from home and meets a rough-around-the-edges guy whom she falls in love with.  She brings him home, but her parents kick him out and want nothing to do with him until he saves the new baby.

Lady and the Tramp


A poor family steals from wealthy families to pay off an angry overlord they originally stole from.

Robin Hood