"When you wish upon a star, ______________?"
What pet does Jabba the Hutt have that lives underneath his throne?
Name 5 male villians
Jafar, Hades, Gaston, Dr. Facilier, Scar, Ooogie Boogie, Captain Hook
In the movie The Sleeping Beauty, what were the names of the three good faeries?
Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather
Who said: "Fish are friends, not food"?
"I know every rock and tree and creature has a life, has a spirit, has a _________?"
Which Star Wars character says the following: “To defeat your enemy, you have to understand them.”
Ashoka Tano
Name 5 Disney princesses whose parents were alive and well at the end of of the movie.
Aurora, Mulan, Rapunzel, Merida, Moana, Mirabel
What magical, mythical forest creatures did Merida follow through the woods in the movie Brave?
Will o' the Wisps
What is the most sold food item in Walt Disney World?
Mickey Ice Cream Bar
"Now think of the happiest things, it's the same as ______________?"
What color is the first light saber Rey uses?
Name 5 Disney Cats, each from a different movie.
Figaro, Lucifer, Marie, Chesire, O'Malley, Simba, Mufasa, Scar, Bagheera,
In the lion king animated movie, what is the first animal that appears on the screen?
Who is Remy's culinary hero in Ratatouille?
Chef Auguste Gusteau
"The sweet caress of twilight-there's magic everywhere. And with all this romantic atmosphere, __________________?"
Disaster's in the air
What kind of trooper is introduced at the beginning of Rogue One?
Death Troopers
There are two Disney princesses who become royalty after marriage. Who are they?
Cinderella and Belle
What was the last movie that Walt Disney was able to work on before he died?
The Jungle Book
Which attraction in the Magic Kingdom was the first to have a fully integrated audio-visual system?
It's A Small World
"Did your granny say, 'Listen to your heart'? Be who you are on the inside?' I need three words to tear her argument apart ______________?"
Your Granny Lied!
In which movie does the camera pan back UP after the text crawl introduction? The rest of the films pan down.
Episode II: Attack of the Clones
What is Sebastian's full name?
Horatio Theolonious Ignatius Crustaceous Sebastian
What name did Arlo give his human companion in the movie The Good Dinosaur?
How many ON SITE Walt Disney World resorts are there?