What feature allows you to specify the information you will view?
When a person taps in 3 or more minutes past their sign on time.
What is a late.
CX 22902 @ 1518
Select EB. Last up EB or last up RO. Note on the Report Operator Sheet. Select correct travel time to and from location. Print Runcard. Highlight location of CX on runcard and Coach number to exchange with.
Break Work
Select Work. Right Click. Select Split or Undo Work. Select Break point. and Location. Click Apply Time.
Enter Travel time in First and Second Split. Enter Report time. Enter wait time or clear time. Select Split.
What feature allows you to block an operator's sign in?
When a person is at the window before their sign on time but cannot badge in.
What is a FTSI.
Edit Work Time
Select Work. Select Edit Work Time. Edit:
Report, Start Travel, Start Wait, From Time, To Time, End Wait, End Travel, Clear Time
RR20004 At 0608. Cancel Remaining service. No Operator.
Select Run# Select Split Work. Select Break point. Select Location. Apply Time. Enter Travel time to the First Split. Split Work.
Select Run#~2 Choose Break point of 0608. Select Location. Enter Report time and travel time in the Second Split. Split Work.
Select Run#~2. Right click and Select cancel service. Select Cancel all trips. Select a reason. Select Cancel Service.
Print the Runcard and highlight the work to be covered and add the sign-on time.
What feature is used to create a meeting?
Quick Extra Work
When a person calls out sick before 7am the day before.
On- time Reporting
Quick Extra Work
Select Quick Extra Work, Select Work Type.
Enter Work Name, Enter Sign On Time and Sign Off Time, Select OK
Break RPT18 for a meeting at 1130.
Adjust the report operator sheet.
Create meeting. Split Report assignment. Select Report Position and select Split Work. Adjust the To Time and the From Time to be the Same time. Add 90 minute Travel time to the Second Split. Split Work.
Assign the meeting to the RO.
Split RPT18~2. if / When the Report Position Receives work.
Reassign the RPT18~3 to the RO.
Create run card for RPT~2
What feature allows you to add volunteers?
Daily Employee List
When a person has "forgotten equipment" and returns before their two-hour window. How is the ASF coded?
What is an emergency.
Employee Message
Select Employee name from Daily Activity List. Select Employee Messages. Select Enter Message. Select From Date and To Date. Enter Message. Prevent Sign/On. Select send. Select Save. Select Close.
RR 25037 @ 1633. Notified at 1615.
Split Run 25037. Add Wait time to First Split.
Print the Run card. Highlight the run card and location.
What feature allows you to view an employee's schedule for the pay period.
Employee activates
When a person has scheduled overtime but does not tap in within 3 minutes of their sign-on time.
Mass Message
Select Mass Message. Select Divisions: Select Employee Types, Select Employees from list and use the Right arrow to add them to the recipient list. Or use the search field to select employees, Select Add, Enter From Date and To Date in the message Field. Select Prevent Sign on? Select Send Message. Select Close
Daily Double
Run 20035 will continue for 15 hours.
Determine 15-hour time limit.
Find break point in the companion run card. Break work.
Open companion runs.
Edit work times.
Assign them to the operator on 20035.
Print Runcards and highlight work.