What does LOS mean?
What is Line of Sponsorship
What year was Amway founded?
What is 1959
What are the names of Lucas and Madison's 2 nephews?
What is Brandon and Jackson
What are the Two Skills?
What is Creating Volume and Sponsoring
How many Diamonds are in the LTD ring?
What is Seven
What Diamond number were the Kopecky's?
What is #21
How old were Lucas and Madison when they started dating?
What is 15 years old
How long did it take for Larry & Pam Winters to go Platinum?
What is Seven Years
How many goals that Courtney & Paige want to check off their list?
What is 50
Name your LOS up to your diamond upline
What is (Sponsor's Name), upline Platinum, Lucas & Madison Jordan, Courtney & Paige, Paul & Morgan
Name a second generation Diamond
What is Toby & Mia Ayer, Dirk & Laura Taylor
Who are Brent and Brenda Harris first 4 Platinum legs?
What is Herinks/Kopeckys, Robeoltmans/Schwers, Ladenburgers, Edwards
Name 3 people skills book
what is How to Win Friends & Influence People, How to have Confidence & Power..., Dynamic People Skills, Skill with People, The Art of Dealing w/ People
Name 4 of the LTD values on the Diamond Ring
What is Faith, Service, Unity, Honor, Freedom, Vision, Duty, Courage
Name the 10 Diamonds under Joe & Marybeth
What is Berendes, Elsenpeter, Franklin, Grotewold, Harris, Kopecky, Leininger, Schwers, Waechter, Weir