Leader of the Opposition
The Dissident Émigré and The Essentialist Committee
Hutchins and The Great Books
Self Criticism by Dewey and Bode
Outsiders Speak Out
Kandel's Critique
He was the progressives most prominent opposer that had the credentials to critique the movement. (pg. 285)
William Bagley
The philosophical principle that Demiashkevich recommended for school which was borrowed from Auguste Comte. p. 292
The principle, Love; the basis, Order; the end, Progress
His advocacy for the "Great Books" made him popular with the public, but in opposition to leading reformist of his time. (pg. 298)
Robert Hutchins
Hutchins attacks on progressive educators caused... (p.307)
Progressives, like Dewey and Bode, to take a closer look at their own flaws.
Kandel was committed to education reform which he understood to mean adequate funding, well-educated teachers, a well-designed curriculum, and __________. p. 315
equal educational opportunity
The purpose of schooling according to William Bagley. (pg. 285)
to prepare children for civilized social life
Demiashkevich insisted that one of the most important and valuable possessions of man should be developed as fully as possible. He was referring to _____. p. 293
Memory Work
As he pursued his self-education, Hutchins became peruaded that the classics were the heart and soul of a liberal education, a necessary means of entering into what he called _____ ________________ ______________. (pg. 299)
What is the Great Conversation?
According to Dewey, this was the weakest part of progressive schools. (p.308)
Their selection and organization of intellectual subject matter.
According to Kandel, these are the chief weaknesses in American high schools. p. 316
Vague aims, unwillingness to establish priorities among subjects and hiring of teachers who had no preparation to teach any subject or group of subjects
The reason William Bagley opposed IQ tests. (p. 286)
IQ tests would encourage sorting of children for different kinds of education instead of promoting the education of all.
Demiashkevich believed that progressive education was ____, _____, and _____. p. 293
Behavioristic, materialistic, and empty of any spiritual moorings
The reason Hutchins disapproved of the objectives of progressive education. (pg. 300)
They were designed to adjust students to their environment.The progressives objectives were nothing more than preparation for the status quo
According to Bode, the greatest weakness of progressive education was.... (p.310)
Failure to liberate itself from Rousseau which had lead to a superstitious reverence for childhood. *expecting pupils to plan their own activities *joining in tirades against academic subjects
Explaination of Kandel's view of tests for would-be teachers. p. 318
Kandel was in defense of the examinations because teachers were teaching courses that they themselves were never exposed to.
The two powerful American frontier traditions that, according to William Bagley, made the progressive theory so successful. (pg. 289)
anti-intellectualism and utilitarianism Anti-intellectualism- progressives had a hostility toward bookish learning and favored vocational skills Utilitarianism- as much happiness for as many people as possible
The Essentialist Committee for the Advancement of American Education called for __________________. p. 296
a common curriculum to ensure a high level of shared culture across American society
Hutchin's description of child-centered schools. (p.302)
They were an aimless, trial and error process that turned teachers into nothing but chaperons.
Outsiders began to critique the different schools of thought and their competition for a place in education. Howard Jones complained that education had become... (pg. 311)
an intricate machine managed by educational experts.
These are the following reasons Kandel was angry with the alarming deficiencies in American education. p. 319-320.
10 million people over the age of 25 had less than 4 years of schooling, a large number of men had been rejected by the military draft because of functional illiteracy, teachers were paid low wages, and teachers were poorly educated
One reason William Bagley advocated for a common national curriculum and not a community based curriculum. (p.287)
curriculum chaos, a fund of common knowledge, and the American people simply will not stay put?
Essentialists asserted that they wanted to restore ____, ____, ____, and ____. p. 296
discipline, effort, academic subjects, teacher-directed classrooms
The purpose of the conference titled "The Authoritarian Attempt to Capture Education" was to attack Hutchin's philosophy.The overall message they were trying to send was .... (p.305-306)
that certain organized movements in education constitute a threat to the scientific spirit and democratic faith.
The radical Right made it difficult for others to criticize the progressive school of thought because... (p.314)
they made ludicrous charges against progressives.
Kandel affirmed that schools had a clear mission to ________, ________, _______, and ________. p. 321
promote common understandings, common knowledge, common values and a common language of discourse