Crisis Survival Skills
Reality Acceptance

True or False?

You can use items/ideas for more than one category within ACCEPTS, Self-Soothe, or IMPROVE the Moment


Remember, if you have the same items across the board, ask yourself what is your goal. Is it to distract, soothe, or improve the moment for yourself? 


True or False

Willingness is doing just what is needed to be effective. 


Willingness is allowing the world to be what it is and participating fully in it. It is doing just what is needed to be effective, no more or no less. Willingness is about listening to your Wise Mind and when Willfulness doesn't budge, asking "what is the threat?" 


Identify/Name two portions of Distract using Wise Mind ACCEPTS

A - with Activities

C - with Contributing

C - with Comparisons 

E - with a different Emotion

P - by Pushing Away

T - with a different Thought

S - with another/different Sensation


What are the two factors that can get in the way of acceptance? 

1. Beliefs: You believe that if you accept the painful situation, you will become weak and just give up or give in, approve of reality, or accept a life of pain.

2. Emotions: Intense negative emotions


What does the STOP stand for?


T - Take a step back

O - Observe

P - Proceed mindfully 


Describe Turning the Mind (not the steps, just the idea behind it). 

Acceptance is a choice. It is like coming to a fork in the road. You may have to choose to turn your mind towards the acceptance road and away from rejecting the "reality road". 


What do the two P's in TIPP stand for?

- Paced Breathing

- Progressive Muscle Relaxation


What is the difference between Reality Acceptance and Radical Acceptance?

Reality Acceptance: A set of skills to help accept reality including Turning the Mind, Willingness, Half-Smile/Willing Hands, and Radical Acceptance. 

Radical Acceptance: Complete and total acceptance of the mind, heart, and body. It is seeing reality for what it is, even if you do not like it. 


Name the 6 Crisis Survival Skills


2. Distract using Wise Mind ACCEPTS

3. Self-soothe with your six senses 

4. IMPROVE the Moment

5. Pros & Cons



There are several ways to practice Radical Acceptance. Describe two of the ways. 

Observe that you are questioning or fighting reality (“It shouldn’t be this way”).

Remind yourself that the unpleasant reality is just as it is and cannot be changed (“This is what happened”).

Remind yourself that there are causes for the reality. 

Practice accepting with the whole self (mind, body, and spirit).

Practice opposite action.


Cope ahead with events that seem unacceptable. 


Attend to body sensations as you think about what you need to accept. ‰‰

Allow disappointment, sadness, or grief to arise within you. ‰‰

Acknowledge that life can be worth living even when there is pain. ‰‰

Do pros and cons if you find yourself resisting practicing acceptance.