Radical Acceptance Skills
Crisis Survival Skills
Distress Tolerance

Being in control of your mind rather than your mind being in control of you 

What is Mindfulness?


How Can You Practice Accepting Reality? 

With Half smile, Practicing Willingness, Accepting Reality as it is, Breathing Mindfully to be in the moment, Turning mind back to accepting Reality Road, or Rehearsing what would be done if you really did accept reality.


The A in 'Wise Mind ACCEPTS' stands for what?



This skill involves Stopping, Taking a step back, Observing and Proceeding Mindfully 

What is the STOP Skill?


You are with your family at an outdoor concert, and a man near you pushes and shoves you to get a better seat ahead of you. You immediately have a strong urge to say something to this man but doing so could set a bad example in front of your kids. Which crisis survival skill should you use? 

Utilize the STOP skill.


The ideal state of mind that includes both reason and emotion 

What is Wise Mind?


The skill of accepting something you can't change with complete and total accepting in mind, body and heart. 

What is Radical Acceptance?


Writing the positive and negatives of a tough situation down on a list to help make a decision.

What is a Pros and Cons? 


Shaving your head, Looking into a different religion, playing in the mud, doing a random act of kindness, singing in public, and listening to new music are all a few examples of this concept. 

What is Alternate Rebellion?

You are with a friend getting lunch and you are trying to pay for their meal but they are persistently refusing to accept your offer because they are 'above being paid for'. Are they being willing or willful? 



Name the 3 What Skills 

Observe, Describe, and Participate 

True or False: When you accept reality you also must like it. 

False! Acceptance does not mean Approval 


Name at least 4 of the 6 senses used in 'Self-Soothe'.

Vision, Hearing, Smell, Taste, Touch & Movement 


Refusing to tolerate a situation, to change something that must be changed, or giving up. The opposite of doing what works. 

What is Willfullness?


You just finished having an intense argument on the phone with a customer service representative and got news that you won't be refunded for accidentally renting a $200 film in a language you don't understand. What skills may be useful? 

Radical Acceptance. Wise Mind ACCEPTS, IMPROVE the moment, Turning the Mind 


Name the 3 How Skills 

Don't Judge, Stay Focused and Do What Works (Be Effective) 

What factors interfere with Acceptance? 

Beliefs and Emotions 


What does the 'M' in 'IMPROVE The Moment' mean? 



When you make a commitment to abstinence and get rid of everything that makes the ineffective behavior possible. 

Burning Bridges 


You have been applying for a second job recently, you have gotten an offer from 2 different companies but are struggling to make a decision due to a seemingly small difference in benefits. Which Skills should you use to help you with this decision? 

Pros & Cons


What is the best way to improve one's Mindfulness skills? 

What is Practicing Mindfulness? 


What are the 5 Possible Responses to a Problem 

1. Solve the Problem 

2. Change how you feel about the problem

3. Accept the problem.

4. Stay Miserable

5. Make it Worse 


The 'T' in the 'TIPP' skill refers to what?



How does one half smile? 

Relax your face. Let both corners of your lips go slightly up and adopt a calm facial expression. 


You get home after a long day and feel a bit riled up, you head to the kitchen to fix yourself a cool glass of lemonade but as you round the corner you stub your toe and then slip and fall on a banana peel causing you to start to enter a rage. What TIPP skill could you use to regulate your emotions? 

T - Tip the temperature of your face with very cold water 

I - Intense Aerobic Exercise 

P - Paced Breathing

P - Progressive Muscle Relaxation