TIPP Skills
Mindfulness Skills
STOP Skills
Distress Tolerance/Stress

TIPP stands for...


Intense Exercise

Paced Breathing 

Paired Muscle Relaxation


IMPROVE stands for....

Imagery, Meaning, Prayer, Relaxing actions, One thing at a time, Vacation, Encouragement


Mindfulness is....

"A state of present-moment awareness that involves paying attention to one's thoughts, feelings, sensations, and surroundings without judgment."


The 'S' in STOP stands for....



Distress tolerance refers to....

"The ability to manage actual or perceived emotional distress."


While in an intense conversation with your youth, you feel your fists tighten and your temperate rising. What might be helpful in this scenario?

Temperature change, taking a step outside, cold water

Going back and forth between clenched and unclenched fists. 


As your child starts asking for help/attention, your phone rings, the dog starts barking, and you start noticing how loud the TV is. You recognize your temperature rising, you start wanting to shout, and you wish there was more than one of you....

What IMPROVE skill could be helpful?

(One thing at a time)

Turn the TV down

Silence your phone

Recognize what your child is asking for

Potentially answer the phone. 


You are out for ice cream with your child, and as they start talking about their strawberry ice cream, you remember that you need to buy strawberries at the store today, then you try to remember the recipe you needed the strawberries for. Before you know it, you are feeling anxious about future plans. How could you utilize "mindfulness" in this scenario?

Coming back to the present moment


Congratulations, you just won a free space!

200 Points!


True or false: Stress serves a purpose.

True! In healthy amounts, stress is a motivator that helps keeps us alive. 


Your young child has identified feeling angry and frustrated. You affirm to them that their body is feeling a lot of energy right now, and they might not know what to do with all of that energy. What might be helpful?

Intense exercise!

Go play with the dog

Play tag

Play baseball 

Jumping jacks 


After doing some kind of chore, you exclaim to your young child "Whew, that was hard work. I think I need a little break so I am ready for the next thing I would like to do. Would you like to go on a walk with me?"

This is an example of....

Relaxing actions

Brief vacation 


While you are out with your family at the park, you notice a delightful smell of a nearby restaurant, you can feel the warm sun on your face, and you feel genuine joy as you push your child on the swing. This is an example of practicing...



You come home from a hard day at work and see that you forgot to take the chicken out of the freezer for dinner. Your brain starts racing with thoughts like "Now I will be an hour behind schedule. I will be late for work tomorrow. I'm a terrible parent."

How could you utilize STOP? 

Stop what you are doing; practice mindfulness of your thoughts

Take a step back from the situation; move away from the fridge or kitchen.

Observe your thoughts/triggers/what is currently happening.

Proceed with Wise Mind; find other solutions 

"Darn. I was really looking forward to having that for dinner; I'm going to take some deep breaths. Would you like to pick something else with me that we would both like?"

It is 15 minutes past your youths curfew. You have called once and are starting to feel flustered. You remind yourself that they texted you not too long ago, and that you know where they are. You take deep breaths and set an expectation that you will call again if another 15 minutes goes by. 

While coming home late, they attempt to sneak into the house without you knowing. You take a deep breath, and greet them on their way to their room. You state that you were worried about them and are upset that they are late. You say that you plan to talk to them about this in the morning. 

Have you successfully practiced distress tolerance? 

Yes! You allowed yourself the space to feel anxious, while also practicing affective action. 

20 points to Gryffindor!