IMPROVE the Moment
Pros & Cons
Radical Acceptance
What are some examples of using the opposite Emotion skill?
(i.e. watching a funny movie when sad, going for a run when feeling depressed, listening to calming music when angry)
Going to your “happy place” in your mind is an example of this.
What is Vacation?
What does it mean to self-soothe?
Using different activities, thoughts, and experiences to help yourself decrease or tolerate negative feelings
What is a Pros & Cons list and why is it used?
A Pros & Cons list helps you figure out how a certain choice would be positive and negative for you. You create two columns and list all of the positives and negatives of a choice you might make, as well as for refraining from that choice.
What does it mean to be willing?
Accepting reality as is, making efforts to help yourself, etc.
I get into a deep conversation with my friends while playing cards and it distract me from my problems. What skill am I using?
What is Activities?
This is an example of Encouragement when you are facing difficult feelings or situations.
What is Saying positive things to yourself like, "You are strong, you can get through this;" reminding yourself that things won't always feel this bad since feelings come and go; remembering the goals you are working towards
The 6 senses utilized in self-soothing.
What are Looking, Hearing, Smelling, Tasting, Touching, and Movement?
How can using a Pros & Cons list help you when you are feeling really upset and having unsafe thoughts?
A Pros & Cons list can help you figure out if acting on your unsafe thoughts would lead to more positive or negative outcomes in your life. It can help you to think through things and be less impulsive (i.e. return to Wise Mind before acting).
These are two skills to practice willingness.
What are Willing hands and Half-smile?
This skill can help us realize that someone else in the world has more struggles than we do, and that we can get through this moment. Or, that we have been through worse and can survive this.
What is Comparisons?
A web of gratitude (i.e. looking at what positives might arise from a situation) is an example of this.
What is Making Meaning?
The best times to use your self-soothe skills.
What is when you are having emotional pain, feeling overwhelmed, and/or having thoughts or urges to be unsafe?
When weighing the pros and cons we always need to look at the consequences in the ______ and the _______.
What is Short Term and Long Term?
When we try to impose our wishes on reality, rather than acknowledge reality as it is, we are being...
What is Willful?
I use this skill to get through a difficult moment, and then I always come back to deal with the problem later.
What is Pushing Away?
Imagery can help you deal with difficult situations or emotions. Examples of this are...
What are Imagining a safe place, imagining a sense of calm, imagining how a situation might go and how you might respond, etc.
Barriers to self-soothing
Don’t feel you deserve it, “girly,” too indulgent, over-use
Your significant other tells your the relationship is over. You feel angry, hurt, lonely, and disappointed. You have an urge to act unsafely (self-harm, hurting them, substance use, etc.). Name one pro and one con of staying safe, and one pro and one con for engaging in the unsafe behavior.
One pro & con for staying safe, one pro & con for acting on urges.
Choosing to radically accept reality, or that something may be out of your control is an example of…
What is Turning the Mind?
How can Contributing help distract from our pain?
Focus shifts to another rather than ourselves, may lead to positive feelings (gratitude, accomplishment, etc)
Two examples of IMPROVE skills you have used, and how they helped.
[Two personal examples]
You’re in a rocking chair, your cat on your lap, and you’ve got a cup of hot coffee. This covers these self-soothe skills (& how?).
Utilizing movement – rocking & petting; touch – petting the cat’s fur, heat from your cup; hearing – cat’s purr; smell & taste – coffee
Talk about a time when you used a pros & list. Talk about how it helped you decide what you needed to do in your life.
[Personal example].
You are disappointed when you are not selected to go on an outing even though you have had good behaviors. Give an example of how you could show "willing" behavior and an example of "willful" behavior in this situation.
Willing: Accepting that other kids deserve a chance to go on outings as much as you do, accepting "no" in a mature way, using coping skills to handle your feelings of disappointment. Willful: Yelling, screaming, and arguing with staff, going into crisis, taking out your disappointment on your peers who do get to go on the outing, choosing not to use your coping skills.