True or False - Distress Tolerance skills are used for long-term
Distress Tolerance skills are used for the short-term
An example of this ACCEPTS skill is going for a walk or playing a video game.
What is the skill when you think of the advantages and disadvantages of a particular action?
Pros & Cons
What is the skill that we use when we are feeling extreme emotions? or our emotional arousal is very high?
Give me an example of using the skill "taking a break"
taking a break from an ineffective behavior to see what your life is like without it, etc.
Why should we bother tolerating painful feelings and urges?
-Pain is part of life and can't always be avoided
-If you can't deal with your pain, you may act impulsively
-When you act impulsively, you may end up hurting yourself, hurting someone else, or not getting what you want
What is the distress tolerance skill that helps us relax and soothe?
What does the acronym HALT stand for?
What is the skill that involves accepting emotions and urges by riding the ebbs and flows?
Give me an example of using the DBT skill of "Bridge-Burning"
proactively removing the means of acting on your urges to engage in ineffective behaviors
What are the three goals of Distress Tolerance? (100pts. per goal)
-Don't make it worse
-Learn to tolerate distress
-Learn to accept painful emotions
What does the acronym ACCEPTS stand for?
-Pushing Away
Why is it important to Build new bridges after we bridge burned something?
anytime you subtract a behavior from your life, you should look to add new behaviors to replace what was lost
What does the acronym TIPP stand for?
-Intense Exercise
-Paced Breathing
-Progressive muscle relaxation
What is an example of willingness and willfulness? (150pts. per answer)
Willfulness -refusing to tolerate a situation or giving up
Willingness- allowing the world to be what it is and participating in it fully
What 3 questions should we ask ourselves before using Distress Tolerance skills?
-Am I in Wise Mind?
-Am I able to solve this problem?
-Is it the right time to solve this problem?
What does the acronym of IMPROVE the moment stand for?
-One thing at a time
What is the skill that brings you back to the here and now?
Grounding Yourself
What does the skill, Turn the Mind, do?
Turn our mind towards the acceptance road and away from the rejecting road
counting to 100 when angry, etc.
Radical Acceptance teaches us that when we find ourselves in pain, we have 5 choices. What are the 5 optional ways of responding when a serious problem comes into your life? (100pts. per answer)
-Figure out how to solve the problem
-change how you feel about the problem
-accept it
-stay miserable (no skill use)
-make things worse (act on your impulsive urges)
What skill is this: you have many problems and you pick the most important one to focus on or the one you have the most resources to solve
One thing at a time
What is the difference between Radical Acceptance and Everyday Acceptance?
Radical is "more serious"
Everyday are the little inconveniences that happen in our daily life
What is an example of using Self-Soothe for each of the senses?