About 7-10
What does TIPP stand for?
Tip the temperature, intense exercise, Paced breathing, Paired Muscle Relaxation
What is paired muscle relaxation?
Tensing certain groups of muscles and then releasing it
What are distress tolerance skills?
What is a crisis urge?
An urge to engage in an unhealthy behavior in moments of intense emotion
What is an example of emotions in the ACCEPTS model?
Creating an opposite emotion
What is radical acceptance?
Working to fully accept what is happening or has happened and having a clear view of reality?
What are some examples of an activity in the ACCEPTS model?
Sports, walk, art, music etc...
What is an example of using sensations in the ACCEPTS model?
Cold shower, lime, exercise etc...
What are examples for comparisons in the ACCEPTS model?
Looking at a time in your life when you went through something hard and got through it
What does turning the mind mean?
Practicing radical acceptance over and over again
What is an example of replacing your thoughts in the ACCEPTS model?
Lyrics, poems, reading etc...
What does STOP stand for?
Take a step back
Proceed mindfully
How do you use pros and cons chart to work on crisis urges?
Pros/con of acting on crisis urge
Pros/cons for not acting on crisis urge
What are some examples of contributing in the ACCEPTS model?
What is reflective rethinking + paired relaxation?
What is the ACCEPTS model?
Pushing Away
How do you tip your body temperature? And why would you do this?
Cold water over your face
Activates the dive response which slows your heart rate down
What does the card metaphor mean?
What are willing hands and half smiling for?
Practice to be open and willing to handle whatever life throws at you
What is a cognitive distortion?
A thought pattern that distorts your ability to recognize reality and increases emotional pain.
Name an example for self soothing through each of the five senses
Smell- essential oils
Sight- outside
Touch- hug, pet
Hear- music
Taste- favorite food
What is the difference between willingness and willfulness?
Willingness is letting go of control
Willfulness is imposing control
What does IMPROVE stand for?
One thing in the moment
Self Encouragement
How do you practice the circle of control?
Things you can control go in the circle
Things you can't control go outside