TIPP & Grounding
Which Skill Should I Use?

The ACCEPTS skill is all about distracting ourselves from a problem or crisis. However, it is crucial that these distractions are planned and temporary. How come?

If our distractions aren't planned and temporary, distraction can turn into avoidance. We do not want to distract ourselves entirely from a problem or crisis. The goal of the ACCEPTS skill is to lower the intensity of our emotions & help us enter WISE mind, in order to avoid acting impulsively and to mange feelings of being overwhelmed.


What is the goal of the IMPROVE skillset?

To replace negative events with more positive ones. Each letter of IMPROVE stands for a way to improve your thoughts so that the moment you are in becomes easier to handle.


What does each letter of TIPP stand for? (bonus points if you all practice I, P or P now and teach the group how to use it) :)

Temperature, Intensive Exercise, Paced Breathing and Progressive Muscle Relaxation.


I am experiencing flashbacks or having unwanted memories arise.

Answers can vary! TIPP & grounding might be especially helpful here to help reenter our WISE mind. 


What are the major components of mindfulness, and what does that skill help me accomplish?

Awareness & Acceptance. Mindfulness means paying attention to the present moment, without judging or trying to change it. This involves observing your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without getting caught up in them. 


Describe the sensations skill & how and when it can be used. 

Find safe physical sensations to distract you from distressing emotions. Examples include holding an ice cube in your hand, eating something sour or spicy, taking a cold shower etc.


Describe the imagery skill. How and when can it be used? Give an example.

Imagery means using your imagination to create a different situation that feels more comfortable or safer. It works best when you engage your five senses. Examples of how to use it can include imagine being on the beach, imagine meeting your goals, imagine a safe place, remember a favorite time, or listen to guided imagery. 


What is the point of grounding? How does it help us with the goal of distress tolerance?

To detach from emotional pain and anchor us to the present moment. Grounding techniques help shift focus away from uncomfortable thoughts, memories, and worries, and toward the present moment. 


I'm experiencing urges to self-harm

Answers can vary! TIPP, grounding, urge surfing, sensations and other delay & distract skills may be helpful.


What does radical acceptance help me accomplish? What is a situation in which utilizing radical acceptance would be appropriate?

Radical acceptance means accepting something fully, mentally and emotionally, without judgment. It does not require liking or approving of something. It means only that the facts are accepted as reality. Radical acceptance lets you put energy toward coping with a situation, rather than trying to avoid or deny it.


What is the goal of distress tolerance generally? How does the ACCEPTS skill meet that goal?

To manage feelings of discomfort or distress, and allow us to cope with them safely. Distress tolerance expands our ability to handle crisis, and lowers our impulsivity.


What is every member in your group's favorite way to utilize the relaxation skill? When would it be helpful for this skill to be used?

Responses can include taking a hot shower, taking a walk, trying yoga, practicing deep breathing, drinking hot tea, doing a word search, mediating, stretching, spending time with a pet, etc. 


What is a way to practice mental grounding, and what is an example of a time it would be useful?

Examples include 5 4 3 2 1, naming everything in ones environment, playing a categories game, visualizing and describing ones daily routine, etc. 


I'm having a low self-esteem day

Answers can vary! Contributing, encouragement, meaning, relaxation, and soothing grounding might all be helpful!


What is one way we could utilize grounding while at school or in partial? In what kind of scenarios might that be helpful?

Answers may vary!


Name at least 3 of the skills that make up ACCEPTS & describe them.

Activities, Comparisons, Contributing, Emotions, Push Away, Thoughts, Sensations


Name and describe at least 3 skills that make up IMPROVE.

Imagery, Meaning, Prayer, Relaxation, One thing in the moment, Vacation, Encouragement 


What is one way to practice physical grounding, and what kind of situation would it be helpful in?

Examples include squeezing a stress ball, stretching, digging ones heels into the ground, literally grounding them, grasping on to ones chair, etc.


My parent and I got into a pretty big argument, and I'm feeling a lot of anger

Answers may vary! Intensive exercise may be helpful. Also, any ACCEPTS skill might be helpful to temporarily distract ourselves from the problem until our emotional intensity has gone down a bit. Nothing good will come from an explosive argument. Using temporary distraction to help lower our emotional intensity might be a good first step before returning to utilize our communication skills, thought challenging, radical acceptance, or problem solving skills. 


What skill can I use to help me deal with low motivation? What is an example of how I can practice that skill?

Opposite action and/or behavioral activation


Describe a situation in which utilizing the contribution skill would be appropriate. How would you practice that skill?

Distract yourself from your problem by focusing on how to help someone else. This is most effective when you help others, but do not take on their problems. Remember that you need to focus on yourself when you are in WISE mind. Examples include making a card, doing a chore for your parents, volunteering, calling a friend, etc. 


Describe a situation in which practicing the one thing in the moment skill would be helpful. 

The one thing in the moment skill is used to remind oneself to focus on just one thing in the moment. Immerse yourself in a simple or repetitive activity that requires your full engagement. This could be a household chore or a mental task like counting or memorizing. Examples include organizing clothes, making a list and only focusing on the first task, counting down from 100, etc. 


What is one way to practice soothing grounding, and what kind of situation would it be helpful in?

Examples include look at photos of those you love, imagine your perfect day, think about things you are looking forward to, speak kindly to yourself, imagine your safe space etc.


I'm feeling extremely anxious in my science class, but my teacher is not letting me take a break until the scheduled time

Answers may vary! IMPROVE skills and grounding skills both can be helpful.


What are the 5 steps of problem solving, and what kind of situations can those skills be used in?

Define the Problem, Develop Multiple Solutions, Assess Your Solutions and Choose One, Implement Your Solution, and Review.