______ is resisting acting on the first impulse or feeling when faced with distress
The "S" of the Stop Skill
_______ is using cold water on the face to illicit a physiological response from the change in temperature.
the "T" of TIP Skills
_______ are things you do that engage you that move away from the stressor or stressful situation. An example: you are having racing thoughts, so you get out your phone and scroll TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, etc.
true or false: acceptance and radical acceptance are the same.
doing things that feel pleasant, pass the time, and are usually self-directed are forms of __________.
______ is taking a step back to detach from a stressful situation.
The "T" of the STOP skill
________ is intense physical exertion, such as cardiovascular exercise, anaerobic weight lifting, HIIT training, crossfit, climbing, pilates, etc
the "I" in TIP skills
__________ and _________ are the "C"s of the acceptance skills. Daily double if you can give an example!
true or false: our biology and our environment can be limiting factors in our lives.
________ is replacing immediately negative events with more positive ones by making the moment more positive and easier to tolerate.
Improving the Moment
______ is to observe and gather information about the situation.
the O of the STOP Skill
_______ is controlled, purposeful attention to breath and breathing activities, such as mindfulness breathing, box breathing, and so on.
one of the "P"s in TIP skills
_______ are part of our reaction to a stressful situation. We must first identify the ______ we are experiencing and then we can focus on another ______ to reduce stress.
true or false: we can be limited by our own past and past behaviors.
To be put as simply as possible, ________ is choosing to accept.
_____ is proceeding mindfully after considering goals and the previous steps.
_______ is paired muscle relaxation: either guided or self-directed tensing and releasing of pairs of muscles (such as both feet, legs, arms, etc).
the other "P" in TIP skills
_______ is removing yourself from a situation, either physically or mentally.
Pushing Away
_________ are things that we understand to be true (the inevitability of death), or things that are likely to happen (performing poorly on a test or exam that you did not study for).
known probabilities
_________ is changing your facial expression to influence your feelings and emotions in regard to a stressful situation
Give an example of when you have used, or might use the STOP skill in your life.
Allow the client to answer in their own words.
When thinking about TIP skills, which one could you see yourself using most often, and why?
Allow the client to answer in their own words.
________ can fill our short-term memory so that we don't actively focus on a stressor. __________ are a type of physical experience that uses one of our senses to distract from a stressor.
How is Radical Acceptance Different from Acceptance?
Allow the client to respond in their own words, but listen for key language such as complete, total, good and the bad, etc
Give an example of how any of the acceptance skills have helped you to cope with a stressful situation.
Allow the client to answer in their own words, but may use open-ended questions or gentle openers to guide toward a specific acceptance skill.