Needs Anaylsis
Button Card
Overcoming Objections
After Class Operations

What is needs anaylsis?

Needs anaylsis is the process of gathering information about a new client upon arrival. 


What is a button card?

It is a card that uis used to gather information about the new client to aid in the after class presentation.


"I want to wait until payday."

Late start date


how soon should the class videos be uploaded after class?

the same night or by the next morning


Name the types of memberships offered at HILCO? and how much are they monthly?

Diamond 199

Platinum 99

Gold 119

Silver 109

Bronze  79

Pink 79 (case by case owner approval)


What is the process of checking in a new client?

1. Introduce yourself

2. take photo

3. Get curious

4. find their WHY


Button Card Activity

Grab a copy of the button card and fill it out using a NCF. 


"I want to talk to my spouse first."

A couple of options. 

Day one Incentives

10 MBG

Late start date


When should the PCR be submitted?

Within 24 hours of class.


There are two types of Class Packs. What are they and how much are they?

10 Class Pack $229

10 Class All Access Pack $259


what are three ways for gathering information about the new client?

1. 80/20 rule

2. follow the thread

3. 3-5 rule (hobbies, family, movies, activites)


What two sources of information can be used to fill out the button card?

1. You can use the NCF.

2. You can use the needs anaylsis to fill in blanks about music and instructors they may like.


"I want to think about it."

10 MBG

Late start  date

Day one Incentives



conduct a walk through of the presentation with a partner.


Explain the 10 day money back guarantee? What are the stipulations?

The client gets 10 days to think about there purchase. They must take at least three classes first in that 10 days.


What is the New client form and where is it found?

It is a form that the new client fill outs so we can get to know them better. It can be found in our slack channel located une new-client-form channel.


Use NCF to fill out button card

Activity. correctly fill in blanks to fill in button card


Take more classes/finish trial


Day one Incentives


Explain how to complete the recruitment notes

login into mindbody and fill in the notes under client profile. label it with the date and intials. Also, fill in the section on the PCR.


Name the Day one incentives for memberships?

*Bonus name the incentives for ClassPass Users?

Reduced signup fee, tank top, and free class for a friend

ClassPass: $10 signup fee and first month is $10, free class for a friend


Why is needs analysis important at the beginning of class?

It helps create a interpersonal relationship from the beginning and allows the host to gather and listen for potential objections. It also gives the an idea of how to fill out the button card and prepare thoroughly for th epresentation after class.


When do you give the client the button card?

After the presentation and next class is registered. If the sign up great, if not it is okay. It should be mostly filled out.They can still have. Snag a picture and add to PCR.


Just not enough time

different options for busy schedules

class packs


Name the three CCCs that should be represented in the PCR?





Complete a transaction in MindBody.

Demostrate steps to complete a purchase in Mindbody, including the redcution of the sign up fee.