Eligibilty Process

The number of Categories under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that may make people ages 3–22 eligible for services.

What is 14 disability categories that may make people ages 3–22 eligible for services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)?


MTSS Data required to evaluate a student for Special Education Services.

What is no


What LRE stands for.

What is Least Restrictive Environment?


A written document required for each student who is eligible to receive special education services under the IDEA.

What is an Individualized Education Plan?


Any condition of the body or mind (impairment) that makes it more difficult for the person with the condition to do certain activities  and interact with the world around them.

What is a Disability?


Number of School day time frame elapses for initial FIEs or the reevaluation date, to review the information gathered through the evaluation process and complete the eligibility process.

What is before the 60 school day time frame elapses?


Setting LRE 2 support services are provided.

What is the resource room/separate setting?


The number of school days before IEP meeting required to provide IEP drafts to parents.

What is 3 school days before the IEP meeting?


A developmental disability that affects social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication, and educational performance. It's usually evident before age three.

What is Autism?


This Disability Process applies only to students between ages 3-9 years of age.

What is Developmental Delay


The Least Restrictive Placement for students to receive special education services.

What is the General Education setting with Supplementary Aides and Services (LRE1)


This is the section of the IEP where the General Considerations are found.

What is section 7 of the IEP?


A disorder that affects a person's ability to use and acquire language, reading, or math skills.  Student have average or above-average intelligence.

What is Specific Learning Disability?


This is required for a student to be eligible for a Specific Learning Disability.

What is MTSS Data?


Assign Students to a school once a School Assignment is warranted.

What is the Office of Diverse Learners Supports & Services (ODLSS)?


Changes how a student accesses information and curriculum and aim to reduce the effects of a student’s disability to provide equitable access to instruction and assessment, but they do not substantially change the instructional level, content, or performance criteria).

What is accommodations?


Outlines the accommodations, modifications, and services that students with disabilities can receive to help them participate in their educational and school-related activities that is not academically related. Student do not require special education services but still need support in a general education setting.

What is a 504 plan?


3 components of a submitted Referral for evaluation 

What is in writing, signed and dated and an explanation of concern?


According to data student is required to benefit from to be eligible for a low incidence/cluster setting.

What is a significantly modified curriculum?


Change what a student is expected to learn and how the student will demonstrate achievement in the general education curriculum. May change the instructional level, the content and/or the performance criteria.

What is Modifications?