Who tore the kingdom apart?
King Rehoboam
What does Elijah look like?
Hairy man with a leather belt
How many years does Elijah pray for the ran to stop?
3 years
Who made the golden calves?
How does the prophet anoint Jehu to be King?
Anoints with oil and then runs out
What were the sins of Jeroboam?
Made gods and molten images to lead astray the people of God.
What does God do for the Shunammite woman?
Give her a son
How was Elijah taken up?
horses and chariots of fire and a whirlwind brought him up
How many kings of Israel walked in the way of the Lord?
how many kings walked in the way of the Lord?
Who is Ahab the son of?
King Omri
How many times does Naaman have to wash in the Jordan?
7 times
How many prophets did Obadiah hide when Jezebel was persecuting them?
100 prophets
What did Ahab do when Naboth wouldn't sell him his vineyard?
cry like a little girl
What did Asa do to make a peace treaty with Basha?
Takes all silver and gold from house of Yahweh and treasuries of the kings house and offers it
Who sustains a widow?
Elijah and Elisha
What king was chasing Elisha and his servant when they saw the mountain full of horses and chariots of fire sent by God?
King Aram and his army
What did Elijah do before the sacrifice in the competition vs the prophets of Baal?
fill 4 pitchers of water and pour them 3 times over his alter.
Whose land does King Jehoram restore after the famine?
Shunammite woman
What is the mistake that Jehoshaphat repeats?
calls king of Israel his brother and goes to war with them
What was Micaiah's prophecy against Ahab?
He would die and Israel would be scattered.
How many times does Joram ask Jehu if he comes in peace?
3 times
In what ways did God show himself to Elijah?
In a soft breeze
How does Jezebel die?
Thrown out a window then gets tramped on and the dogs eat her.
Where does King Ahaziah die?