a narrative in which things have symbolic meaning
What is an allegory?
Round 1 of the 9th Circle; the Treacherous to Kin
What is Caina?
Dante must go this way because he cannot ascend the Mount directly from the Dark Wood.
What is go by "another way"?
In Circle Seven, they squatted on the sands.
Who are the Violent against Art/Usurers?
falsifiers of persons
Who are the Evil Impersonators?
buying or selling church offices
What is Simony?
a split or division; discord
What is a schism?
What does Mary symbolize as one of the "three blessed ladies"?
What is Divine Grace?
In Circle Seven, they were running without pause.
Who are the Violent against Nature/Sodomites?
falsifiers of money
Who are the Counterfeiters?
shameful; deserving public disgrace
What is ignominious?
the demons who guard the Grafters.
Who are the Blacktalons?
What does Lucia symbolize as one of the "three blessed ladies"?
What is Divine Illumination?
Virgil was "master of every dread" except the "fiends who sailed from the last gate of the dead" Refers to what incident.
What is Virgil's attempt to enter the City of Dis?
falsifiers of words
Who are the False Witnesses?
a medieval form of chemisty
What is Alchemy?
the frozen lake at the bottom of hell
What is Cocytus?
What does Beatrice symbolize as one of the "three blessed ladies"?
What is Divine Love?
The tears of the ancient giant which flow from a great crack in the statue and represent the decline of the ages of man. The tears represent the woes of man refer to what.
What is the Source of all the Rivers of Hell?
Images of pride, represent blind force, unbalanced by love and reason (the good of the intellect).
Who are the giants?
the betrayal of the general trust of humanity
What is Simple Fraud?
Round 2 of the 9th Circle: the Treacherous to Country
What is Antenora?
A real citizen of Florence who was so well known for his gluttonous habits that Dante uses him as a symbol for Gluttony itself.
Who is Ciacco?
A man Dante was suprised to find in hell as he respected and learned from him.
Church and Empire
What are Dante's two loves?