The question we ask ourselves for every long division problem to help us remember the steps.
Hint: 5 words/letters
Does McDonald's Sell Cheese Burgers?
15 / 3
Miss Valderrama's math class was playing a review game for their test. There are 20 students in her class. Miss Valderrama wants there to be 4 students on each team. How many teams will she have?
20/4 = 5
5 teams
36 / 3
The answer to a division problem
13 / 5
2 R 3
5 friends are playing a card game. They split 52 cards evenly among them. How many cards will each person get? How many cards are left over?
52 / 5 = 10 R2
Answer: 10 cards with 2 left over (10 R2)
74 / 5
14 R 4
The amount 'leftover' in a division problem is called the
22 / 7
3 R 1
Miss Valderrama has 112 books in her collection. She wants to divide them equally among her 5 new bookshelves. How many books will be on each bookshelf?
112 / 5 = 22 R2
Answer: 22 books
49 / 6
8 R 1
The number in a division equation that represents the TOTAL.
Hint: Goes inside the 'den'
5 / 5
Your family went to on a road trip and rented a car. The car cost a total of $985. If you rented the car for 5 weeks, what was the cost of the rental car per week?
985 / 5 = 197
Answer: $197 per week
89 R 1
The number in a division problem that represents the NUMBER OF GROUPS or AMOUNT IN EACH GROUP
18 / 3
Miss Valderrama and Mrs. Flanagan are taking their two math classes on a field trip. There is a total of 40 students and 3 teachers going. The vans they rented can only hold 6 people. How many vans will they have to rent for everyone to go on the field trip?
43 / 6 = 7 R1
EVERYONE is going on the trip, so we need to make sure we get another van for our last person (remainder). 7 + 1 = 8
Answer: 8 vans
692 / 6
115 R 2