word problem
Division vocabulary
True or False
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But try it?
Point or question

There are 14 marbles, Eggy gives the marbles equally among 2 friends. How many marbles does each  friend get?

What is 7 marbles for each friend.


What do u call the leftovers of a division answer?

What is remainders.


The answer to Mr. Beans mystery is 3. He had 12 mysteries and he equally solved 6. Is Mr. Beans answer correct?

What is false. (Correct answer is 2)



You don't get anything I told you!!


eggy's plants125 got 27 friends, he gave each of his 27 friends 3 packs of feastables. How many does each friend get in a pack?

What is 9 feastables?


Goofus has 48 ice cream scoops. He eats them in bundles. If he ate 4 bundles equally. How many scoops were in each 4 bundles?

What is 12 scoops.

Wow! You picked the right one! Here's 200 points! Yayyyy

200 points given to your account.


ls 2365 divided by five  equals to 473?

What is yasssssssssssssssssssssssss


You left veggietube for 8 days! Sorry you lost 200 subscribers. They were waiting for your videos!

(200 veggies gone.)


IAMcArROt has 45 subscribers. Mr. Bean x more subscribers then IAMcArROt. How many subscriber in veggietube do they have altogether?


just kidding! this is a impossible question! Scammed you!

What is the word for the answer of a division equation?

What is quotient.


Boooohohohohoo you lost 300 subscribers! :((( (and points) save back your points!!!!

(300 subscribers left your account)


Wow way to go! You made a real viral video! But a veggie copied you. Take away 300 of your other veggie. (Other teammate)

Hawhaw veggie! Revenge!


OmAtOO has 861 bundles of blankets, LeTTuES steals 3 bundlles of blankets.HoW many bundles of blankets does OmAtOO have left?

what is 28 bundles.


Opato has a website called 3867.com. In 3867.com there is 3 groups of hackers. what would you call the 3 groups of hackers?

What is divisor.


True or false? BrOcOLLII has 312 likes on his first video. All those likes went out in groups of 4. is 78 the number of likes?

What is yaesssssss


400 videos! You deserve a prize. But your too spoiled sorrry bye.

What are you waiting for! Go!


Mushi's room has 1,584 posters. Mushi gives 2 packs of posters to some subscribers. How many subscribers gets a pack?

What is 797 subscribers.


Grab your mcdonalds order! It is the number that's usually bigger then the divisor. What is it?

What is dividend. You cheated and got a easy question! Bad veggie. >:(


whoiscabbage just went to a GS to buy 2400 drinks of prime. He divided the drinks into 5 batches of prime. Is 479 remainder 1 correct?

What is Falssee


You won 500 points!

Point check