What do you light on Diwali?
What is the name of the art work children do on Diwali?
Which country does the Diwali holiday originate from?
Diwali is the festival of kites? True or False
What is the name of the Hindu god with the face of an elephant?
BONUS - double points
Bollywood freeze dance off
How many days is Diwali celebrated for?
5 days
BONUS - Double points
Freeze dance to a Bollywood song
Do 2 Million people live in India?(True or False)
False - 1.3 Billion people live there
Diwali is the celebration of knowledge over ignorance, of this over evil.
Diwali follows the lunar new year. True of False
A solar year — the time it takes Earth to orbit the sun — lasts around 365 days, while a lunar year, or 12 full cycles of the Moon, is roughly 354 days. THis is why diwlai is on a different day every year.
What is Asia?