This is the largest snake species.
What is Anaconda.
9+10 is 18, true or false. (Give the answer if false)
What is false. The answer is 19.
How many versions of Just Dance are there in School Age? What versions are there?
What is 2. 2017, 2016.
What are the characters in Ghost in the Keys
What is Bat girl, Pumpkin Head, Lady Frankenstein, and the Ghost.
This fruit is made of 25% air.
What is a apple.
A giraffe has this many stomachs...
What is four stomachs.
What is 100.
What's Ms. Jamiece's favorite color?
What is Pink.
What song on Just Dance is by Shakira?
What is Hips don't lie.
What food is made of 91% water?
What is cabbage.
This animal has the MOST hearts. A total of nine to be exact.
What is the earthworm.
What is 60.
What is the name of the park we go to?
What is the Frieda Garcia playground.
Name three songs that the girls really favor.
1. Worth It
2. Heartbeat Song
3. Lights
4. Titanium
5. Hips Don't Lie
What food is a member of a flower family?
( Hint: The fruit is part of the rose family.)
What is cherries.
Name three nocturnal animals.
2. Owls
3. Bats
4. Aardvarks
5. Deer
What is 56
How many lockers are in School Age?
What is 22.
This group sings Cake By the Ocean.
Who is DNCE.
Bugs make the part of the candy for which candy brand?
What is Skittles.
Out of 160 types of snakes in North America, how many are poisonous?
A. 15 B. 30
C. 20 D. 100
What is C. 20.
What is 0.
Ms. Kacie's last name?
(Hint: It's not old).
What is Young.
Ms. Shaya got superstar level in this song.
What is Bailar.
The only food that never goes bad
What is honey.