Reductive Doubles
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Jack Facts
The Big Game
Abridged Abbreviations

This is the most popular drink in the world, cultivated mostly in South East Asia.

What is Chai tea?


This animal down under can pack quite the punch during mating season, and be hoppy about it. 

What is a Kangaroo?


3-1 odds you know this game involving stands, hit, and a bit of counting. 

What is Blackjack? 


Once one of the most populated animal in North America, when down to only 25,000 left after the expansion of the railroad system, but has since came back up to 450,000. 

What is a Bison?


When adding in a small compliment after criticing one might say, FWIW. 

What is For What it's Worth?


This is a type of food often served with many spiced dishes in India.

What is naan bread


This Mexican peninsula resulted from a misunderstanding of the natives, it also is where the meteor that killed the dinosaurs struck Earth. 

What is Yucatan? 


Whom you might call for wood removal, or to not crush your neighbor's car. 

What is a Lumberjack?


This animal was suggested by Benjamin Franklin as the national symbol of the United States, many disagreed. 

What is a Turkey? 


Given what information one has, AFAIK

What is As Far As I Know? 


This is the largest hot desert in the world, stretching across 11 countries.

What is the Sahara Desert?


This great white north was named because of a great misunderstand of French explorers to the Iroquois. 

What is Canada?


Dating back to the Renaissance, these provided great warmth and comfort to the upper classes, then reborn as a cool accessory by aviators and rebels. 

What is a leather jacket? 


These animals are great swimmers, making them the only land mammal prey of orcas.

What is a Moose?


This Space Agency (NASA) has an annual budget of $25.6 Billion. or .5% of the federal allocated budget.  

What is the National Aeronautics and Space Administration? 


This common Italian dish dates back to the 14th century in Genoa, but can still be found today in bountiful places, like Olive Garden. 

What is Shrimp Scampi?


In Mother Russia, this language won't speak you

What is German?


These herbivores can run up to 35 miles per hour and leap 15 feet in one jump. 

What is a Jackrabbit? 


While a surprisingly deadly animal to medieval people, this animal has been known to pierce its own skull given enough time, killing it in the process. 

What is a Wild Boar? 


When you go diving, you would put on this helpful gear. (SCUBA) 

What is Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus? 


This body of water stretching across the United States is one of the largest shipping hubs and navigation routes of since the 1700s. 

What is the Mississippi River? 

This county in Arizona is quite unknown, but maybe the pumas can show you around. 

What is Pima county?


One might look for this in Vegas or declare after a large score.

What is a Jackpot? 


One of the loudest land mammals, this animals urine is one of the more popular ingredients in many fragrances, including some perfumes. 

What is an Elk? 


Helping to communicate with the stars beyond, many scientist use RaDAR and LASERs to see past out solar system. 

What is Radio Detection And Ranging/Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation?