Name at least 2 people that acted as scribe to Joseph Smith.
Oliver Cowdery, Emma Smith, Martin Harris
Look unto Christ in every thought. DM
Doctrine & Covenants 6:36
We need to know the attributes of God and the Savior for this reason.
So we can become like them.
The only true and living church. DM
Doctrine and Covenants 1:30
This is central to His plan of salvation and to our happiness.
Marriage between a man and woman.
Martin Harris lost 116 pages of what?
The translation of the Book of Lehi (from the Book of Mormon)
Who knows all things and is the source of all truth?
These are two other names for the Plan of Salvation.
The Plan of Happiness, The Plan of Redemption, The Plan of Mercy
With the Bible, the Book of Mormon testifies of who?
Jesus Christ
Marriage between a man and woman is ordained of God. DM
Doctrine and Covenants 49:15-17
These were the three witnesses to the gold plates of the Book of Mormon.
Oliver Cowdery, Martin Harris, David Whitmer
The Holy Ghost speaks to our minds and hearts. DM
Doctrine & Covenants 8:2-3
Jesus Christ lives and is the Creator of worlds. DM
Doctrine & Covenants 76:22-24
Joseph Smith labored for our salvation. DM
Doctrine and Covenants 135:3
God has commanded his children to do this.
To multiply and replenish the earth.
He received D&C 4 through the prophet and later became the first patriarch of the church.
Joseph Smith Sr.
ASK in an acronym for Acquire Spiritual Knowledge. What do the letters A, S and K stand for?
A. Act in Faith
S. Seek to understand with an eternal perspective
K. Know to seek for answers through divinely appointed sources
This is essential to Heavenly Father's plan and our progression depends on how we use it.
Our agency.
Joseph Smith was called of God to be the prophet of the what?
The new and everlasting covenant of marriage. DM
Doctrine and Covenants 131:1-4
This is how we should serve God.
With all our heart, might, mind and strength.
Seek learning by study and faith. DM
Doctrine & Covenants 88:118
The Plan of Salvation enables us to do what? (name at least one)
Become perfected, receive a fulness of joy, enjoy our family relationships throughout the eternities, and live forever in the presence of God.
Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon by the gift and power of God. DM
Doctrine & Covenants 135:3
Happiness in family life is founded upon this.
The teachings of Jesus Christ.