DBT Acronyms
Coping Skills
Random DBT Things
Thinking Mistakes/Cognitive Distortions
Thinking Mistakes/Cognitive Distortions

The STOP acronym stands for...

Stop (don't react; stay in control)

Take a step back (deep breaths - don't act impulsively)

Observe (what are you feeling/thinking, what are others saying/doing?)

Proceed (mindfully, think about your goals & actions)


Name 3 (different) healthy things you can do to cope with negative emotions/difficult situations



What does DBT stand for?

Dialectical Behavior Therapy!


Give an example of "all or nothing"/"black and white" thinking.

If you’re not perfect, you’re a total loser. 

If you don’t get everything you want, it feels like you got nothing. 

If you’re having a good day, the whole rest of your life is perfect and you don’t need therapy anymore.  


Give an example of "disqualifying the positive".

You tell yourself that the positive experiences, actions, or qualities do not count. 

“I did well in that one basketball game because I just got lucky.”


The TIPP acronym stands for...


Intense Exercise

Paced Breathing

Paired muscle relaxation


Explain what Opposite Action means.

If you usually yell when angry, be very intentional and talk calmly and quietly.

If you usually isolate yourself from your friends when you're depressed or anxious, make a point to spend time with a safe person.


Explain what mindfulness is.

Being present in the moment and establishing an awareness of what you are experiencing.


Give an example of "catastrophizing".

You predict the future negatively without considering other, more likely outcomes.

“I’m definitely going to fail my test”

“If I tell her that, she’ll hate me forever”

"If my parents won't let me go to my friend's house, my life will be ruined"


Give an example of "labeling".

Overgeneralization is taken a step further by the use of extreme language to describe things. 

“I spilled my milk. I am SUCH A LOSER!”

“My therapist didn’t call me right back; she is the most uncaring, heartless therapist ever!”


The ABC acronym stands for...

Accumulate positive emotions

Build mastery

Cope ahead for emotional events


Explain what Wise Mind means.

Wise Mind is balancing your emotion mind and reasonable mind, taking your feelings and logic into account and seeing a situation from multiple perspectives.


Explain what the Anger Iceberg is.

What we see on the surface is anger (yelling, clenching fists, saying potentially hurtful things, etc.); however, what is underneath the surface are emotions that feed the anger (like betrayal, sadness, disappointment, etc.).


Give an example of "mind reading"

You believe you know what other people are thinking even without asking. 

"He clearly doesn’t think I’ll do a good job”

"Oh my gosh, they probably think I'm so weird"

"They totally hate me"


Give an example of a "should statement"

You “should” on yourself or someone else by having a fixed idea of how you or others should behave, and you overestimate how bad it will be if these expectations are not met.

“It’s terrible that I made a mistake; I should always do my best.”

“You shouldn’t be so upset.”


The ACCEPTS acronym stands for...





Pushing Away 




Explain the "5, 4, 3, 2, 1" grounding technique.

5 things you can see

4 things you can touch

3 things you can hear

2 things you can smell

1 thing you can taste:


BONUS: How can you support yourself in your recovery?!

Be accountable for your actions, take treatment seriously, show up for yourself (both physically and mentally), feel your feelings, sit with discomfort, be open to new experiences, be honest with my therapist and other providers, ASK FOR HELP, etc.


Give an example of "overgeneralization"

You make a sweeping, negative conclusion that goes far beyond the current situation.

“Since I felt uncomfortable on my first day of class/work, I know that I won’t be able to enjoy the rest of the year”

"Today wasn't a good day in program, I'm not going to get anything out of being here".


Give an example of "personalization".

You see yourself as the cause for things you have absolutely no control over or the target of stuff that may have absolutely nothing to do with you. 

“The receptionist was short with me because I did something wrong.”


The DEARMAN acronym stands for...









Give us an example of an "I statement".

"I feel ____ when you ____, because _____".


What does "Dialects" mean?

The idea that two things that seem opposite can both be true. 

Through Dialectics, we learn that there’s always more than one way to see a situation and more than one way to solve a problem.  

We also learn: 

  • All people have unique qualities and different points of view 

  • Change is the only constant 

  • Honoring the truth on both sides of a conflict does not mean giving up your values or selling out. Avoid seeing the world in “black and white,” “all or nothing” ways.


Give an example of "mental filter".

You develop selective hearing and vision and only hear and see the one negative thing and ignore the many positive things. 

“Because my supervisor gave me one low rating on my evaluation (that also had many higher ratings), it means I’m doing a terrible job.”


Give an example of "emotional reasoning".

You start thinking your emotions are fact.

"I feel like she hates me; therefore, she does.” 

“I feel stupid; therefore I am stupid.” 

“I dread school, so it’s a bad idea to go.”