Camera Sensors
Shutter Speed
Exposure Triangle
White Balance
Aperture & Depth of field

Define what a camera sensor is. 

It is the component inside a digital camera that captures light and converts it into an electronic signal to create an image.


Define Shutter Speed

refers to the amount of time the camera's shutter remains open to expose the sensor (or film) to light when taking a photo.


What are the three main points of the exposure triangle? 

ISO, Shutter Speed, Aperture. 


Define white balance

White balance refers to the camera setting or process that adjusts the colors in an image to ensure that they appear natural and true to life, particularly under different lighting conditions.


Define Depth of Field

Depth of Field (DOF) refers to the range of distance in a photograph that appears acceptably sharp.


Name the difference between a CCD Sensor and a CMOS sensor

CMOS sensors are known for their low power consumption, faster processing, and high-quality performance. CCD sensors can produce high-quality images but consume more power than CMOS sensors.


Give me the 4 steps it takes for a camera capturing a picture with a CCD sensor. 

  • Light enters the camera.

  • The CCD sensor converts light into electrical charges.

  • The charges are read out and converted into digital values.

  • The data is processed to create a digital image.


If you have a higher aperture, how does it effect the other aspects?

Lower SS, lower ISO


What is the scale in relation to utilizing white balance?

Kelvin Scale


Define F-Stop

an f-stop (or f-number) refers to the aperture setting of a lens. It controls the amount of light that enters the camera by adjusting the size of the lens's aperture.


Name the 3 steps on how a camera sensor works. 

Light Capture, Photodiodes and Pixels, Conversion


Give me an example of when to use a slow shutter speed. 

long-exposure shots like light trails, flowing water, or low-light photography, anything to create a slow motion blur. 


If you have a higher ISO, how does it effect the other aspects. 

Lower SS, lower aperture

Can the Kelvin Scale ever go negative?



What is the Iris?

controls the aperture, which is the opening that lets light into the camera. By adjusting the iris, you can change the amount of light reaching the camera's sensor or film.


Name 2 of the key characteristics of a camera sensor. 

Size, resolution, dynamic range, ISO sensitivity, Color depth


Give me an example on when to use a fast shutter speed. 

Filming sports, wildlife, or anything involving fast moving objects. 


If you have a higher SS how does it effect the other aspects?

Lower Aperture, lower ISO


What is the goal of white balance?

The goal of white balance is to make objects that appear white in person also appear white in the photo, regardless of the light source's color temperature.


If I have an F-stop of F2, how does it effect the other aspects of the shot. 

More open aperture, brighter photo, more blurry depth of field. 


What is the importance of sensor size? 

Capture more light, greater dynamic range, depth of field control. 


Is 1/30 a fast or slow shutter speed?

Slow Shutter Speed. 


See Photo Example: What is the settings of this shot?

High Shutter Speed, low aperture, low ISO


Give me 2 key points about white balance. 

Color Temperature, Adjusting for Accuracy, Preset White Balance Options, Custom White Balance


If I have an F-Stop of F22, how does that effect the other aspects? 

More closed aperture, darker photo, more clear depth of field.