What is DMDD?
Treatments for DMDD
Coping Skills
Fun Fact

DMDD stands for...

What is: Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder?


Helpful treatments for DMDD are...

What is psychotherapy/"talk therapy" and possibly medications?


A trigger is...

What is: a person, place, or event that causes a reaction, in DMDD, anger, irritability, or a temper outburst?


A coping skill is...

What is: A tool or activity that helps kids to calm down when upset?


A fun fact about me is...

What is:

* your answer *


The symptoms of DMDD are...

What are:

- ongoing irritability and anger most of the day, every day

- frequent, intense temper outbursts

- trouble controlling extreme emotions

- trouble functioning due to irritability

- may have difficulty at home or school, or in peer and family relationships 

- some children also develop anxiety and depression, especially as they age


CBT is...

What is: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

- targets the relationship between thoughts, behaviors, and feelings 

- help children increase their ability to tolerate frustration without having an outburst by teaching coping skills for controlling anger and ways to identify and change the negative thoughts that contribute to outbursts


A girl is walking home from school when a car drives by very fast. The car runs through a puddle and splashes the girl, leaving her clothes soaking wet. She gets very upset, yells after the car, and slams the door when she gets home before yelling at her family. The trigger was...

What is: a car driving by and splashing her?


A coping skill that requires you to tense your muscles and then release the tension...

What is: progressive muscle relaxation?


Half of this animals brain stays awake while the other half goes to sleep

What is: a dolphin?

DMDD was added to the DSM in this year...

What is: 2013?


DBT is...

What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy?

- helps kids:

 - Navigating up-and-down emotions (emotion regulation)
 - Managing relationships effectively (interpersonal effectiveness)
 -Tolerating difficult emotions safely (distress tolerance)
 - Increasing awareness and focus in the present moment (core mindfulness)
 - Finding balance between two extremes (walking the middle path) 


A boy asks his teacher if they can play outside for recess. His teacher tells him yes. Later in the day, it begins to thunder and lightning, and outdoor recess is cancelled. When he learns this, the boy starts yelling and arguing, before kicking his desk and chair across the room. The trigger is...

What is: recess being changed from outdoor to indoor recess?


A coping skill when you focus on what you are doing and how you are feeling in the present moment, not distracting yourself with anything else

What is: Mindfulness?


These human body parts never stop growing

What is: your nose and ears?


The difference between DMDD and average "bad moods" is...

What is:

- severe irritability resulting in difficulty tolerating frustration and outbursts that are out of proportion to the situation, occurring more often and more intensely than expected for the child's age?

EX: For example, a parent tells the child to stop playing a game and do their homework. Any child might be frustrated or annoyed. But a child with DMDD may become extremely upset and emotional and have an intense temper outburst with yelling or hitting. A child with DMDD experiences these intense temper outbursts a few times a week.


Possible medications to try are...

What are stimulants and antidepressants?


A girl is at a slumber party. She asks if her friends want to do their makeup and post a video of it to TikTok. Her friends say maybe later and go back to playing Roblox. The girl plays with them for a few minutes before asking again to do their makeup. When the other girls try to tell her to be patient, she begins to cry, yell that they are not being fair and do not like her, and refuses to compromise. What is the trigger?

What is: not being in control? What is needing to wait her turn/do something she did not want to do instead of something she wanted to do?


A coping skill that looks at your negative thoughts and challenges it to come up with a more positive, more helpful thought

What is:

thought challenging/cognitive restructuring?


True or False: You can breathe and swallow at the same time - no cheating!

What is: False!


The age DMDD can be diagnosed in a child is...

What is: ages 6-10 years old?


Parent Training is...

What is: helping parents learn how to reward kids for good behavior?


SUDS are...

What are: Subjective Units of Distress? 

- a tool for measuring the intensity of your emotions (in DMDD anger, irritability)


The DEAR MAN coping skill is...

What is:

  • Describe the current situation (if necessary). Stick to the facts. Tell the person exactly what you are reacting to.

  • Express your feelings and opinions about the situation. Don’t assume that the other person knows how you feel.

  • Assert yourself by asking for what you want or saying “No” clearly. Do not assume that others will figure out what you want. Remember that others cannot read your mind.

  • Reinforce (reward) the person ahead of time (so to speak) by explaining positive effects of getting what you want or need. If necessary, also clarify the negative consequences of not getting what you want or need.

  • Mindful keep your focus on your goals. Maintain your position. Don’t be distracted. Don’t get off the topic. Speak like a “Broken record.” Keep asking for what you want. Or say “No” and express your opinion over and over and over. Just keep replaying the same thing again and again. 

  • Appear confident, effective, and competent. Use a confident voice tone and physical manner; make good eye contact. 

  • Negotiate be willing to compromise. Offer and ask for other solutions to the problem. Reduce your request. Say no, but offer to do something else or to solve the problem another way. Focus on what will work.


This many planet Earths could fit inside the sun

What is: 1 million earths?