What is alcohol withdrawal?
PRN medication used to prevent alcohol withdrawal.
Nursing diagnosis r/t AUD.
What is acute substance withdrawal syndrome?
Scale used to assess alcohol withdrawal with both objective and subjective measures.
What is CIWA?
Health issue that may be related to difficulty starting a stream and fully emptying the bladder.
What is BPH?
Medications used to treat/manage AUD, OUD, bipolar disorder, adrenal insufficiency, and hypothyroidism.
What are acamprosate, methadone, lamotrigine, hydrocortisone, and levothyroxine?
Finding from the CT angio that showcases a change that occurs in the lungs when a person is supine due to the increased weight on the lungs that increase the pressure gradient. Contributed by a combination of reduced alveolar volume and increased perfusion.
What is bilateral dependent atelectasis?
What is a social worker?
Main inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmitters involved in alcohol use and withdrawal.
What is GABA and glutamate?
Condition that occurs when excessive fat builds up in the liver, considered the first stage of alcoholic liver disease, and is related to excessive use of alcohol.
What is hepatic steatosis?