Tools used to assess person served strengths and resources.
What are (DLA, treatment plan, goal planning sheet)?
Work programs to which person served have access.
What is Competitive Employment?
Where prescriber meets with person served.
What is in the Community?
Frequency of team meeting
What is Daily?
The percentage at which you spend utilizing your specialty?
What is more than 80%?
Narcan, fentanyl test strips, clean needle program...
What is harm reduction?
Demonstrating a task or skill specialized for a particular job position.
What is Job Coaching?
Metabolic Screenings, monthly injections, medication box refills, discharge summaries, medication reconciliations, MARs, hospital coordination.
What are duties mainly assigned to team Nurses?
The length of daily team meeting reports.
What is 45 seconds to 1 minute long (include next steps)?
Looking for person served in numerous known locations to make contact.
What is Tracking?
Pre-contemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance, Relapse Prevention
What are the Stages of Change? (Training this Month)
Time devoted to making connections with employers in the community for possible job opportunities.
What is Job Development?
Weekly on Tuesday.
What is the time Impact has with ACT Prescriber? (10 hours)
Needing to report more information than time alotted when giving report.
What is a "side bar"?
E-IMR, IMR, 8 dimensions of Wellness, WRAP Plan.
What are resources and tools provided by the Peer Specialist?
What is Never? Motivational Interviewing is used instead.
Person Served assessed for employment.
Who is everyone?
These two work complementary together.
Who are the Prescriber and Team Leader?
What is a Treatment Plan Meeting (Occurs Monthly)
Professional development, challenging cases, trainings, personal development, wellness check-in.
What is supervision? (at least monthly)
Substance Use Treatment Scales in 6 Month Quarterly.
What are the DAST-10 and SATS?
Assessment used to collect employment and education history.
What is the Career Profile?
The process used to facilitate communication between the team and non-ACT healthcare providers regarding the treatment and conditions of consumers.
What is the doctor communication form? (Created by Leah)
The time frame in which reports are given.
What is the last 24 hours?
Tool used to assess for transition to lower level of care.
What is the Transitional Assessment Scale? (With Treatment Plans every six months)