What does DNA stand for
What is Deoxyribonucleic acid?
The stage of the cell cycle in which DNA replication takes place.
What is S (synthesis) stage of Interphase?
This German monk contributed much to the understanding of genetics.
Who is Gregor Mendel?
DNA contains the instructions for building ______.
What is proteins?
DNA is a _______________ or long chain of repeating subunits
What is a Polymer?
Double Jeopardy!
Which of the following are heritable traits:
a. eye color
b. laziness
c. hair texture
d. Call of duty skills
e. height
what are a, c, and e.
This is the name of the subunit/building block of DNA and contains a sugar, a phosphate, and a base.
What is nucleotide?
Griffith's experiment with R and S pneumonia-causing bacteria confirmed the existence of a ____________________
What is the Transforming Principle
Guanine (G) always bonds with _____________
What is Cytosine (C)?
Double Jeopardy!
The repeating subunits of a polymer are called _______________. In DNA, they are ____________________.
What is monomers and nucleotides?
The type of bond that holds the ribose sugar of one nucleotide to the phosphate group of another nucleotide. (A nonmetal combined with a nonmetal)
What is a covalent bond?
By process of elimination, what was discovered through Oswald Avery's experiments.
DNA was the transforming principle.
Thymine (T) always bonds with what purine?
Triple Jeopardy!
Identify parts A, B, and C correctly
A) Phosphate Group
B) Nitrogenous Base (Purine)
C) Ribose Sugar
Name the purines and pyrimidines
Purines are Adenine and Guanine
Pyrimidines are Thymine and Cytosine
The type of bond that holds the complementary bases together.
What is hydrogen bonds?
Double Jeopardy!
After Oswald Avery's experiments, there remained a controversy as to which was the transforming principle: ________________ or ________________
What is Protein or DNA
This is the official SHAPE DNA is described as.
What is double helix?
How does the Central Dogma connect proteins, DNA, and RNA
DNA is used to make RNA which is used to make Protein
DNA -> RNA -> Protein
Double Jeopardy!
What is the difference between Purines and Pyrimidines?
Pyrimidines have a single-ring structure
Purines have a double-ring structure
Double Jeopardy
If there is 30% Guanine in a DNA molecule, how much ADENINE would there be?
What is 20%?
Double Jeopardy!
The Hershey and Chase Experiments confirmed what?DNA, rather than protein, was the transforming principle.
Double Jeopardy!
If a strand of DNA is TACGGTCGA, this is the complementary strand.
Double Jeopardy!
What is the complimentary DNA strand for a strand with the nucleotide sequence AACCCGGTTT