Telomeres are composed of short repeated sequences of DNA. DNA stands for this
deoxyribose-nucleic acid
Enzyme that breaks the hydrogen bonds between the bases
DNA Helicase
Franklin took Photo 51 that indicated DNA was this shape
fortunately replication errors are usually caught quickly by this proofreading enzyme
DNA polymerase
in 1928, Frederick Griffith injected 2 strains of Streptococcus into these animals
this refers to an enzyme that makes telomere section of lagging strand using an internal RNA template
Strand that runs 3' to 5'
Leading Strand
The 3 parts of a nucleotide
What is a base, phosphate group, and sugar
simply defined as any agent that increases the number of mutations above background level
this potentially lazy duo piggy-backed off of many experiments to eventually discover the shape of DNA
Watson & Crick
Telomeres are specialized structures found on the ends of these types of chromosomes
When parent strands separate and serve as templates for new strands of DNA
Semiconservative Replication
The purine bases are these
Adenine and Guanine
the first 2 steps of repair revolve around this
Recognition & Removal
this dynamic duo created a DNA experiment in 1952 which determined that DNA was, in fact, genetic material
Hershey & Chase
the gradual shortening of chromosomes in each round of cell division make the strands unable to do this in the last section of lagging strand
Joins two strands and Okazaki Fragments
DNA Ligase
A cluster of proteins that DNA is wrapped around
when a damaged region is removed and replaced by DNA synthesis its called a this
Excision Repair
don't get your A,T,G, and C's mixed up or you'll upset this discoverer and his rule
Erwin Chargaff
telomeres do this to ends of chromosomes from nucleases and maintain the integrity of linear chromosomes
Short segments in lagging strand
Okazaki Fragments
the strand on the right that connects to the template strand when two strands are antiparallel is called this
in the final step of repair, this occurs using the information on the undamaged strand as a template
this women discovered that DNA is helical, but would not get full credit, and would die at 38 from cancer
Rosalind Franklin