what is the first step in DNA replication?
to ‘unzip’ the double helix structure of the DNA molecule.
what is the enzyme called that performs transcription?
RNA polymerase
What structure assists during Translation?
He is the scientist who concluded that DNA is the "transforming principle"
Frederick Griffith
What is the shape of DNA?
double helix
what is mutation ?
spontaneous change in DNA
what enzyme "unzips" DNA double helix structure
DNA polymerase
What is the name of the step where mRNA detaches and leaves the nucleus
When nucleotide bases are in triplets (three bases) they are known as?
Name of the 5 carbon SUGAR found in DNA
(Deoxy) RIBOSE
what is the structure of RNA?
single stranded
What does UGA mean?
What are the four bases found in DNA
Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, Cytosine
Where does transcription take a place
In the nucleus
During translation, which nitrogen base will Adenine always pair with?
which scientists discovered that DNA was the "genetic material"
Hershey and Chase
What is the complementary strand to the following DNA: ATA GAT CCT GAC TTG
Which type of mutation affects the entire sequence of DNA?
Frameshift mutation
Where in the cell does replication occur?
The nucleus
Transcribe the following DNA strand: TAC GCC ACA GTA ACT
What is the first step of translation and what happens during this step?
Initiation: ribosome binds to mRNA
who were the two individuals who found the double helix structure?
Francis Crick and James Watson
what parts of DNA is bound together through hydrogen bonds?
nitrogen-containing bases
Mutations occur when there is a mistake while DNA is being
copied or replicated
DNA is known to be conservative because?
Each strand acts as template for making the new strands of DNA.
The ability to turn on/off a gene's DNA sequence to make an RNA molecule is called?
Gene expression/ gene regulation
Translate the following mRNA strand: AUG GCA CCU UAU UGA
who took the X-Ray images that helped discover the double helix model?
Rosalind Franklin & Maurice Wilkins
Label all the parts of the nucleotide found in DNA
1. Phosphate group
2. Deoxyribose sugar
3. Nitrogen base
This type of mutation does not change the amino acid.
Silent mutation