Nitrogen containing bases of DNA
What is Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine and Guanine?
In eukaryotic cells, where does transcription occur?
A DNA monomer that contains a phosphate group, a ring-shaped sugar, and a nitrogen base.
What is a Nucleotide?
The sugar found in RNA.
What is ribose?
Name two similarities between DNA & RNA
Answers vary
Always pairs with guanine
What is cytosine
What enzyme is responsible for transcription?
RNA polymerase
The double helix is held together by these bonds between the nitrogen bases
What is hydrogen bonds?
The direction that RNA is built during transcription
What is 5'-->3'?
RNA base complementary to adenine
What is uracil
Name the nitrogen bases with a larger double-ring structure.
What is Adenine and Guanine?
What is the product of transcription?
What is mRNA
DNA has chemical polarity, which means the 2 ends of DNA strands are different. The strands align...
What is 5'-3' to 3'-5'/antiparallel?
Transcribe: 5' ATTAAGCGAATCG 3'
Which molecule degrades quicker, DNA or RNA?
Consists of a single ring structure and has the bases Thymine and Cytosine.
What is Pyrimidine?
In eukaryotic cells, what must occur after transcription before the mRNA can be translated?
What is RNA splicing?
The direction that the template strand is read
What is 3' --> 5'?
The strand of DNA that the mRNA most closely resembles
What is the coding strand?
Where RNA can be found in a eukaryotic cell
What is the nucleus and the cytoplasm?
The number of hydrogen bonds between A and T
What is 2?
RNA strand hangs freely as it is being transcribed, upon completion the transcription complex falls apart and the RNA is separated from...
What is DNA template?
The name of the strand of DNA that is used to make mRNA
What is the template strand?
pieces of mRNA that do code for the protein. These are spliced together and go to the ribosome
What are exons?
The carbon that is lacking an oxygen in deoxyribose
What is the 2nd carbon?