guanine and adenine are grouped as ......
What are purines
The nitrogen base that pairs with adenine
What is uracil
the complementary strand for ATACCG
What is TATGGC
The the 4 bases that are used in RNA
What are A-U and G-C?
alternates with deoxyribose on the backbone
What is phosphate
created from the DNA template
What is messenger RNA
The enzyme necessary for adding DNA nucleotides
What is DNA polymerase
The complementary RNA for 3' ACTATACCGG 5'
holds the nitrogen bases together
What is hydrogen bonds
RNA differ from DNA by....
What are:
1.Different sugars (deoxyribose vs. ribose)
2.Different N-bases (thymine vs. uracil)
3.Different shapes (double helix vs. single strand)
The name for the strand of DNA made in the 5' to 3' direction
What is the leading strand
Three nitrogen bases on the mRNA is called...
What is a codon
the structure that holds the mRNA during translation
What is the ribosome
two scientists that used radioactive sulfur and phosphorus to discover the genetic material transferred by bacteriophages
What is Hershey and Chase
Name the type of RNA that is located on the ribosome and the type that pairs or docks with it
What are rRNA and tRNA?
adds nucleotides complimentary to the DNA template strand
What is RNA polymerase
The 3 bases that tRNAs associate with on mRNA and the ribosome are called the
What is the anticodon
Two scientists responsible for the discovery of the structure of DNA for the Nobel Prize and who truly discovered it?
Who are James Watson and Francis Crick
Rosalind Franklin?
When a cell copies a DNA molecule: Name the three steps
What are:
1. DNA is unzipped.
2. The complementary bases are added to each template strand.
3. The 2 new strands are proofread for errors.
Three bases that signify the start codon and what is the amino acid called
What is AUG
Methionine ( MET)