Modern Dance
Jazz & Tap
Social Dance
21st Century Dance
Dance Careers
She championed bare feet, a greek style of dress, lose hair, pedestrian movement, and had a tragic death when her scarf was caught in the wheel of a car.
Who is Isadora Duncan?
The two ways in which jazz and tap dance got their start and spread across the country.
What are vaudeville and minstrel shows?
This type of dance takes place between a couple and is often used to find/attract a mate.
What is courtship dance?

True or false: 21st century dance continued with modern dance trends of experimentation.


True or false: injuries suffered by dancers are similar to those of professional athletes.
The primary goals of modern dance.
Natural uninhibited movement, rebellion against ballet, expressing individuality.
When two or more cultural elements combine to create something new.
What is syncretism?
This type of dancing gets large groups of people together for celebrations, festivals, etc. Often performed in circles or in lines, it is very inclusive.
What is communal dance?

This choreographer created what he termed "hip-hop concert dance."

Who is Rennie Harris?

These large organizations house many smaller organizations in order to share costs, costumes, rent, choreographers, etc.
What is an umbrella organization.
Founders of the Denishawn Dance Company, these two trained many of the famous 1st and 2nd generation modern dancers.
Who are Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn.
The first person to open a multi-cultural dance company with members from several different races.
Who is Katherine Dunham?
Which social dance category do the following belong to: Morris Dance, Capoeira.
War Dance

This group experimented with improvisation, minimalism in dance, aerial dance, unusual performances spaces, etc.

Who is the Judson Dance Theatre (or Judson Church Group.)

This is a type of counseling that incorporates movement techniques to help patients express inner emotions and release frustrations.
What is dance therapy?
He experimented with chance dance, thought that music and dance should not rely on one another, and experimented with creating dance using a computer program called life forms.
Who is Merce Cunningham?
Created what is though to be the first Jazz concert dance piece, Slaughter on Tenth Ave.
Who is George Balanchine?
Which community of people inspired Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis, and created the movements for the Charleston, Lindy Hop, Jitterbug, etc?
The African American Community.

This style of improvisation requires dancers to keep connected with one another as they move, share weight, and breaks traditional gender roles.

What is contact improvisation? 

A k-12 dance educator position usually requires candidates to have this type of degree in what field?
What is a bachelor's degree in education?
One wrote the first book on modern dance and emphasized fall & recovery & balance, the other emphasized contraction and release of the torso & breath.
Who are Doris Humphrey and Martha Graham?
Known as the Father of Theatrical Jazz Dance, this person codified jazz dance so that it could be taught.
Who is Jack Cole?
This community in this city is famous for creating break dance and hip-hop dancing.
What is New York's South Bronx.

This choreographer bridges the gap between ballet, modern, and jazz dance.  Also incorporates popular music into their work.

Who is Twyla Tharp?

A full-time college dance educator position usually requires candidates to have this type of degree in what field?
What is a Masters Degree in Dance?