What TV Show involved the actor, Patrick Stewart, acting as a ship captain?
Star Trek
This adaptation centers around a boy with a lightning scar and his life growing up in the wizarding world?
Harry Potter
The one spoof movie Jake has never watched and refuses to?
This critically acclaimed film series spans multiple films and their origins in creating what group?
This anime/manga series is notorious among the community for not knowing when the series will end?
One Piece
This movie series involved time travel robotic humanoids attempting to assassinate John Connor and humanity?
What 2016 video game adaptation is based on the number 1 MMO?
This actor starred in a film where he plays both himself and a female version of himself?
Name both actor and movie
Adam Sandler Jack and Jill
This wealthy crime-fighter fights for those who cannot defend themselves and for the justice of others.
What village is Naruto a part of?
Hidden Leaf
This movie involved giant robots to stop an inter-dimensional threat known as Kaijus?
Pacific Rim
This TV video game adaptation involves a monster hunter as he journey's the world, hunting monsters for hire.
The Witcher
This action-comedy revolves around a renowned bodyguard to safeguard a wanted man for hire
Hitman's Bodyguard
Who is the Justice League member known for stretching out their body?
Plastic Man
This Quirk gives the user superhuman the ability to turn their sweat glands into an explosive adhesive?
The movie adaptation, Dune, revolves around what family?
This actor was a part of the ghost hunting movie series, Ghostbusters, and has now ventured into the liquor market?
Dan Ackroyd
This animated film, starring Seth Rogan, centers around the daily life of food.
Sausage Party
What blind superhero takes up a day job as a lawyer?
Who is the Britannian spy sent to act as Lelouch's younger brother?
What Star Wars character acted as the Mother to The Ones?
This Pixar movie focuses on two brothers talking to their decease father one last time.
This film series revolves around two friends who get up to insane adventures, one where they must write a hit song?
Bill and Ted
Who is Agent Venom?
Flash Thompson
What musical artist was responsible for Jojo's Bizzare Adventure's to censor the Stand names in America?