Is food or drink allowed in patient care areas?
What does RACE stand for?
Remove Patient, Activate Alarm, Close Door, Evacuate Area.
When covering for a therapist or when assisting a therapist with a patient, what kind of communication tools are available regarding the patient POC?
Verbal communication prior to hand off, chart review, therapist available to answer questions directly or via phone/page.
How do we know if DNV has arrived?
PBRs call "All managers to the front."
Should medications be kept in the facility?
What is (M)SDS and how do you find it?
(Material) Safety Data Sheet can be found on AH intranet, Support, References, (M)SDS Online.
This provides information regarding any chemicals in facility & what to do in case ingested or there is a spill, etc.
What does PASS stand for?
Pull pin, Aim at base of fire, Squeeze the handle, Sweep.
What are 2 patient identifiers we can use?
Full name and date of birth.
What would you do if a piece of equipment does not
function properly?
Label it with an Orange sticker, remove from area if possible; notify appropriate personnel (tech, supervisor, engineering, work order, etc).
Where is our PI located and what is one area of PI?
PI can be found on the bulletin board in the breakroom.
Example Areas: Outcomes, Cx/NS rates, days to schedule, Patient Satisfaction (Press Ganey).
What is the TB/infection control protocol?
Isolate the patient, identify risk (ask when TB was diagnosed), and inform the patient they will need clearance from the doctor prior to their return to treatment.
Where are the nearest fire extinguishers and pull stations located?
Go find it!
When should staff wash their hands?
Before and after direct patient contact using alcohol foam or soap and water for 15 seconds; before and after lunch, when leaving work area, after using restroom.
How should you prepare for DNV chart review?
Have 3 good charts in mind in Epic and know how to navigate the chart.
What is the dry time on purple wipes and gray wipes?
2 minutes and 3 minutes
What items should be disposed of in a red biohazardous waste bag and where do we find it?
Any item, wet or dry, saturated with bodily fluids of blood with the exception of linens. Linens are placed in the soiled linen bag. Red biohazardous waste bags are located in the modality room.
How long do you need to use soap/water or hand
sanitizer for proper hand hygiene?
15 seconds
What is the protocol for a Code Blue?
1. Call "Code Blue Adult/Pediatric (Location)"
2. Call 911
3. Start CPR
How do you report an unsafe environmental condition?
Signage, clean it, or report to environmental services in the HUB.
How far should items be from sprinkler heads?
What items can be stored under the sinks?
Who do we need clearance from to re-enter the building?
The Fire Department.
Where are the AED's located?
Adult AED is located in modality room. Pediatric AED is located above the sink the pediatric gym.
What are our service standards?
Love me, Keep me safe, Own it and Make it Easy.
How do you inform patients about their rights to express concerns about their safety and care?
Speak to therapist or TM if has concerns - Patient Rights Posters posted in lobby.