Fiction Genres
Fiction Call Numbers
Dewey Decimal System
Dewey Decimal Categories
Dewey Decimal Call Numbers

A genre of fiction with stories meant to frighten or startle the reader, often including elements of the paranormal such as ghosts.

What is Horror?


The location of the book's call number label.

What is the Spine?


The Dewey Decimal Classification System is used to put what kind of books in order by subject.

What is nonfiction?


The Dewey Classification in which you would find books about Religion and Mythology. (answer in numbers)

What is 200-299?


The main classification call number of a book about mythology, written by Martin Anderson. (2 parts - numbers and letters)

What is 200 Mar?


A genre of fiction in which the characters find themselves in a dangerous situation, often including the possibility of physical harm.

What is Adventure?


The call number of a fiction book in the humor genre section, written by Jeff Kinney.

What is HUM KIN?


The Dewey Decimal System was created by this man - First name or initial and complete last name.

What is Melvil Dewey or M. Dewey?


The Dewey Classification in which you would find information about the French language. (answer in numbers)

What is 400-499?


You can infer that a book by Jeff Stein may be about nature if the call number is this. (numbers and letters)

What is 500 Ste?


A genre of fiction with made up stories set in the past, possibly including real people or events.

What is Historical Fiction?


The call number of a mystery written by John Grisham.

What is MYS GRI?


The Dewey Decimal System organizes books and assigns them to categories based on the book's __________.

What is subject?


The Dewey Classification that focuses on an individual's thinking, beliefs, and the way the mind works. (answer with numbers)

What is 100-199?


What you can infer about this call number: 741.3 GRA

What is a book about arts and recreation by an author whose last name begins with Gra.


A genre of fiction with stories set in a future where science and technology are greatly advanced. May include things like space travel, time travel, or aliens.

What is Science Fiction?


Ms. G-M needs to shelve these books in alphabetical order. How would you put these author's last names in order on the shelf? Books by authors Cowell, Collins, and Cooney. 

What is 1) Collins 2) Cooney and 3) Cowell?


How many of main subject categories are in the Dewey Decimal Classification System.

What is ten?


Name three subcategories (books about what?) that would be found in the 500-599 section.

What are any three of: mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, earth sciences & geology, fossils & prehistoric life, biology, plants, and animals?


Nonfiction books that have the same Dewey Decimal number are put on the shelf together, in order by these.

What are the three letters below the number - the first three letters of the author's last name.


A genre of fiction in which the characters must discover the answer to a question, puzzle, or crime, usually by following a set of clues.

What is Mystery?


If four fiction books all have the same call number, such as F Coll, you would put them in order by this.

What is the title or the series? (will accept either answer)


What type of books are NOT found in the Dewey Decimal System?

What is Fiction?


The 300-399 Dewey Classification includes books on the Social Sciences, including government, the military, education, politics. It also includes these made up stories passed down through time to teach cultural practices and lessons. What are they?

What are folk tales, fairy tales, and fables?


If many books have the same number AND the same author, what is the next thing used to put the books in order on the shelf?

What is the title?