Grace will often suggest this exotic and campy food for funsies.
What is a sushi boat?
Grace is ready to whip these songs out for karaoke at any time (name at least two).
What is Reflection, My Heart Will Go On, …
Grace showed her first boyfriend this Disney movie because he had never seen it.
What is Aladdin?
Despite not yet being married, this couple already has two children! Tell me their names.
Who are Figgy and Zuzu?
Andrew’s full name
What is James Andrew Busenlener?
Grace once ate this fruit with salt on a dare by her father, causing her to discover that she loves it and continues to eat it to this day.
What is lemon?
If Grace were a DND character, this would be her class (bonus points for alignment).
What is (chaotic good) bard?
Grace was the founder and president of this club in what exclusive organization in middle school.
What is the Bubble Buddies?
Grace and Andrew met (and started to fall in love) on the set of this show. (Bonus points for the creators of the show)
What is Sunday in the Park with George by Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine?
Andrew was able to attend FSU with tuition paid and then some due to this prestigious program.
What is Presidential Scholars?
Grace is deeply afraid of this animal associated with a famous Louisiana cuisine.
What are frogs?
This Tallahassee-native-turned-superintendent is shaping up to be Grace’s latest nemesis.
Who is Rocky Hanna?
The vast majority of Grace’s boyfriends have had one (or both!) of these two names.
What are Andrew and James?
The couple’s song.
What is Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You?
Andrew played this off-color role in junior year.
What is white Barack Obama?
Some find it strange that Grace enjoys this fruit with salt but it is actually a completely normal side dish or snack in the south.
What is tomato?
Grace’s ancestors grew this crop on a farm in Georgia.
What is cotton?
Grace conducted “Bubbly Buddy” meetings in this location
Where is under her parent’s bed?
Andrew has many nicknames for Grace, name some of them.
What are goof, babs, babe, lovely, or sweetness?
Andrew was a mod for this video game as a prepubescent teenager.
What is Garry’s mod?
Grace ate this (NON-DINNER) food as dinner throughout much of her later years in college.
What are chips and queso?
What is watching video essays? (NEGATIVE POINTS if you said reading)
In her youth, Grace lived on a golf course, which posed challenges for her such as… (Bonus points for knowing the golf club’s name!)
What is she was allergic to grass and loved to frolic?
What is getting in trouble for wandering the course and sneaking into the clubhouse?
What is Evergreen Club?
This mineral that was a part of the foundation of Grace and Andrew’s relationship is also the acronym of a United States government agency.
What is ICE!?
Andrew’s recurring role in annual family productions in childhood.
Who is Peter Pan?