Your total is $3.12. You should pay with....
$4.00 or $3.00
You have $20.00. You need to buy laundry detergent. The price tag says $25.99 Do you have enough money?
How much money?
Your budget is $1.00. Do you have enough money to buy strawberries?
Your total is $7.98 You should pay with....
$7.00 or $8.00
Your budget is $17.00. Do you have enough money to buy a dog bed?
How much money?
You have $8.00. You want to buy a polo shirt. Do you have enough money?
Your total is $2.45. You should pay with....
$2.00 or $3.00
You want to buy a Fitbit. Your budget is $135.00. Do you have enough money?
How much money?
You have $15.00. You want to buy coffee K-cups. Do you have enough money?
Your total is $15.99 You should pay with:
a $10 bill or a $20 bill
You have $25.00. You want to buy a new video game. Do you have enough money?
How much money?
You want to buy pizza. Your budget is $10.00. Do you have enough money?
Your total is $29.50. You should pay with:
a $50 bill or a $20 bill
Your budget is $250.00 - Do you have enough money to buy headphones?
How much money?
You want to buy an Xbox. Your budget is $100.00. Do you have enough money?