How many/ how much…
Who or what was the first?
True or False
Which Country

More than ____?____ new websites are created every minute.

More than 570 new websites are created every minute.


What game appeared as the first mobile game?

Tetris appeared as the first mobile game in 1994 aboard the Hagenuk MT-2000, a phone designed and manufactured in Denmark by the Hagenuk corporation.


When did Charles Babbage create the first computer?

Charles Babbage created the first computer in 1822.


In 1956, 5 megabytes (5MB) of data weighed a ton.



Which country was responsible for the idea of the Internet?

The United States was responsible for the idea of the Internet. The idea can be traced back to 1962, when J.C.R. Licklider, the head of the computer research program at DARPA, proposed the concept of a "Galactic Network".The "Galactic Network" concept, which eventually grew into ARPANET, was envisioned as a way to interconnect a large set of computers on a global scale.


The normal rate of blinking is 20 times a minute.

How many times does the average computer user blink?

The average computer user blinks 7 times a minute, less than half the normal rate of 20.


Electric Jet, Tesla Motors (the electric car) SpaceX (Falcon rocket), Zip2 and much more were invented by one person. What is his name?

Elon Musk


When did Doug Engelbart invent the first computer mouse?

The first computer mouse was invented by Doug Engelbart in 1964.


In general, people tend to read as much as 10% quicker from a screen than from paper.


In general, people tend to read as much as 10% SLOWER from a screen than from paper.


Who was the father of AI (the artificial intelligence)? (nationality)

A discovery that influenced much of the early development of AI was made by Norbert Wiener(an American mathematician and philosopher). He was one of the first to theorize that all intelligent behavior was the result of feedback mechanisms. Mechanisms that could possibly be simulated by machines. 

The person who finally coined the term artificial intelligence and is regarded as the father of AI is John McCarthy(an American computer scientist and cognitive scientist). In 1956 he organized a conference "The Dartmouth summer research project on artificial intelligence" to draw the talent and expertise of others interested in machine intelligence for a month of brainstorming.


The most expensive number ever sold was a mobile phone number, 666-6666, which was put up for auction and sold for $___?___ .

The most expensive number ever sold was a mobile phone number, 666-6666, which was put up for auction and sold for $2.7 million!


The first computer mouse was invented by Doug Engelbart. What was the first computer mouse made of?

It was carved from wood.


In 1984, the number of internet devices reached 1,000. By ___?___, it reached 1 million, and in 2008, the number of internet devices reached 1 billion!

In 1984, the number of internet devices reached 1,000. By 1992, it reached 1 million, and in 2008, the number of internet devices reached 1 billion!


Russia built a computer that ran on water


Russia built a computer that ran on water in 1936. The device was actually used to solve problems related to cracks in concrete


The first country where drones were built was __?___ .

The first country where drones were built was Israel, with Israel Aerospace Industries heading the charge in terms of export numbers.


The radio took 38 years to reach a market audience of 50 million. 

The television took 13 years.

How many years did the iPod take to reach a market audience of 50 million?

The iPod only took 3 years to reach a market audience of 50 million.


Way before Facetime or Google duo, there was Skype, it still is. The founder(s) had a unique idea of real-time video calling. It laid the foundation of video calling that we enjoy today. Skype is still the most used software in the corporate world. Even surgeries are being consulted through Skype.

Who invented Skype?

a)John Logie Baird

b)Wilbur and Orville Wright

c)Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis

c - Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis

Wilbur and Orville Wright were American inventors and pioneers of aviation. In 1903 the Wright brothers achieved the first powered, sustained and controlled airplane flight.

John Logie Baird created the television in 1926.


When was the first eBook reader invented?

The world’s first automated reader, the precursor to today’s e-readers, was invented by a woman named Angela Ruiz Robles. Angela had her innovative idea in Spain in 1949. Angela Ruis Robles was a school teacher, who watched her students lug text books back and forth from school every day. The idea was that her reader would be far easier to carry for school children, than a number of different text books. 

2007 changed the world of reading forever with Amazon’s launch of the Kindle eBook reader in the U.S. and the launch of the iPhone by Apple.


On 1st April 2005, NASA pulled a prank telling the world that they had found water on Mars.


In 2005, NASA hadn't quite learned that misinformation was the bane of its existence, and decided to pull a hoax. On their website's front page beamed the amazing announcement that they had discovered life on Mars. After decades of failure and frank humiliation with roving around the Red Planet, it appeared that NASA had finally slain its demon. Not quite. The image linked to an (allegedly) hilarious picture of a glass of water sitting on a Mars bar. 


Inventors from which three countries can be called the creators of the radio?

Italy, Russia and America 

Guglielmo Marconi had been working along similar lines and in June 1896 filed a patent for his radiotelegraph system. Although Marconi was first to patent and will always be remembered as “The Father of Radio,” Popov played a critical role in the engineering of radio. He demonstrated the first receiver, developed the decoherer, invented the first practical antenna, probably conducted the world’s first wireless communication, and certainly used radio for the first time in a sea rescue. 

Nikola Tesla first demonstrated wireless telegraphy in Saint-Louis, Louisianna USA in 1893 and presented his device to the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia in the same year and again in 1895 over a distance of 80km and patented it in the USA in 1897.


The first computer was almost 2.5 meters high and weighed ___?___kg.

The first computer was almost 2.5 meters high and weighed nearly 30,000kg.


Who invented the touchscreen?

a)E. A. Johnson

b)S. Hurst

c)A. Godefroy

a  / b

The first finger-controlled touchscreen is widely acknowledged to have been created by E.A. Johnson in 1965 at the Royal Radar Establishment in Malvern, UK. In his article Touch Display – a Novel Input/Output Device for Computers, Johnson described a touchscreen mechanism employed by many modern smartphones – capacitive touch.

In the 1970’s Dr S. Hurst developed a new type of sensor called the “Elograph”. Discovered almost by accident, Hurst’s touch screen was not transparent, as most touchscreens are today. Using the force of a touch, the technology required a conductive layer to contact a separate layer below containing an X and Y axis, the coordinates were then transmitted to a computer. Today we refer to this type of touchscreen technology as “resistive” and is one of the most widely used touch variants. Later in 1974, the first transparent resistive touchscreen was developed by Hurst and his team (the Elographics) and was patented in 1977.

A french stylist Alexander Godefroy invented the first hairdryer in 1890. His invention was a large, seated version that consisted of a bonnet that attached to the chimney pipe of a gas stove. Godefroy invented it for use in his hair salon in France, and it was not portable or handheld.


When was the idea of creating a robot made up? 

When were the first plans for a robot sketched?

Around the year 1500, Leonardo da Vinci sketched plans for a robot.


The name Google was created accidentally.


The name Google was created accidentally. A spelling error was made by the original founders who were under the impression they were going for Googol.


There is a list of 15 countries with the most advanced technology in the world. Here are the three countries that take the first, second and third places:

  • Japan
  • United States of America
  • South Korean

Which place does Russia take?

Here is the list of 15 countries with the most advanced technology in the world :


2.United States of America

3.South Korean



6. India







13. Israel  

