Heathy friendship
Mental health

Who is my favorite sister?



What is Alli's favorite thing to order at the Olive Garden?

Tour of Italy! 


Is it a healthy friendship if one person likes dog and the other person likes cats?

Yes it is ok, because you can be friends with people who have different interests, that is healthy. You just have to be careful that the cat does not scratch you!!! 🐱 


Do Alli's emotions ever impact her ability to take care of herself?

Sometimes, when Alli is feeling down, she struggles with motivation to take care of herself. 


What is Alli's dream car?



This person really influenced Alli love for holiday decorating (especially Valentines day and Christmas)!

MOM!!!!! She goes all out for Christmas and Valentines day!! She also makes her own decorations!! ❤️🎄 


Where is Alli's favorite fancy place to eat?



Was Alli involved in healthy friendships over the last three months?

NOOOO!!! But she moved on and made new friends! 


Is it ok to feel angry when you are not having a good day?

Yes, it is ok, because everyone has bad days and everyone is entitled to their emotions. It is how you respond to their emotions that is important. If you have a bad day, you should not take your anger out on others.


If Allison chose to live for 100 years or 100 days, which one would she choose?

100 days! If Alli only had 100 days to live, she would live her life to its fullest in those 100 days. If she had 100 years, she would not be as motivated to experience all that life has to offer as quickly! 


Do you think Elayna knows Alli's favorite order from the Olive Garden?

YES! Because Alli orders the same thing every single time at the Olive Garden!!!!!! (And the breadsticks, so good!!!!)


What is my favorite cake?

Red velvet!! 


Would Alli ever set a boundary with her friends? 

Yes! ...For example, if Alli feels like she would get in trouble doing what her friends are doing, she would set a boundary and tell them no. 

Is Allison drinking more water now than she was before?

Yes! She got the cirkul water bottle and it has worked miracles!! She is finally drinking the appropriate amount of water daily! Taking care of your mental health includes making sure you're taking care of your biological needs including eating healthy foods, drinking enough water, and getting enough sleep! 


What is Alli's current favorite graphic novel?

Remarkable Ruby!


Who are Alli's biggest influences?

Alli's dad and sister Elayna. 

Elayna was very good at dance which inspired Alli to try it. 

Dad was very motivating and supportive which helped Alli to push through challenges. 

What is Alli's favorite cookie?

Vanilla and chocolate sugar wafer cookies! 


Is it ok if you are doing something and your friend comes and ruins what you're working that a good friend?

It depends on their intention. If they did it by accident, then it is not their fault. If they were doing it on purpose, then that is not a good friend. 


What is something that Alli did this week that was very helpful for her mental health?

Took a hot bath with new bath bombs AND she moved lunch tables to surround herself with healthier friendships!!!


What restaurant has Alli's favorite buns?

Texas Road House!!!!!


Is Allison good with new people?

No, Alli experiences anxiety going up to someone new! 


What is my favorite candy?

Watermelon sour patch kids; sour ropes; BLUE slime roller 


Is it healthy for Allison to have a friend that talks behind her back?

NO! It will make Alli feel bad about herself and make her think that everyone else talks about her. In a healthy friendship friends don't walk about one another behind each other's backs, and they stand up for their friends if they hear others talking about them behind their backs. 


What is Alli's New Year's Resolution for wellbeing?

To walk more and to eat healthier. This will help Alli feel more confident about herself and in her body. Taking care of Alli's biological needs can positively impact her mental health. 


What is Alli's current favorite shows?

Jinny and Georgia, Bluey, and The Home Organizers

Points for any or all correct answers.