Nursing Care of the Newborn
Etiology of Burn Injury
Emergent Phase of
Burn Injury
Pulmonary Burn Injury
Nines Rule!!!
loss of body heat resulting from direct contact with a cooler surface
What is conduction
Burn injury may be caused by dry heat (_________)
What is flame
Used to support circulation during the emergent phase of burn injury
What is fluid replacement
A colorless, odorless, tasteless gas released in the process of combustion.
What is carbon monoxide.
value assigned to anterior aspect of a single upper extremity
What is 4.5%
color black; no pain; hard and inelastic eschar
What is Deep full thickness burn
Moist heat or _________ may be the cause of a burn.
What is scald
this is used to prevent infection during the emergent phase
What is wound care
A change in respiratory pattern may indicate a pulmonary injury. If the patient becomes progressively hoarse, develops a brassy cough, drools or has difficulty swallowing the nurse's immediate action is ________________.
What is apply oxygen and notify the rapid response team
combined value assigned to anterior and posterior aspect of a single lower extremity
What is 18%
color pink to red; no blisters or eschar present; healing time 3 to 5 days
What is Superficial burn
Burn as a result of accident in home or industry may lead to this type of burn
What is chemical burn
during the resuscitation / emergent phase it is important to provide emotional support and to cover the patient with a blanket to ____________________________.
What is maintain body temperature.
This can occur even when the lung tissues have not been damaged directly - this type of fluid overload is called ______________.
What is pulmonary edema
estimation of burn percentage on a burn involving the anterior and posterior aspects of the torso
What is 36%
color red to white; moderate edema present; healing time about 2 to 6 weeks; may be caused by scalds, flames, or prolonged contact with hot objects
What is Deep partial thickness burn
may occur when the skin is exposed to hot metal, tar, or grease
What is contact burn
Used to keep the patient comfortable during the emergent phase
What is analgesics
In addition to pulmonary problems, patients may have breathing problems from external factors. __________ is the most common external factor affecting breathing.
What is tight eschar from deep circumferential chest burns
the most rapid method for calculating the size of a burn injury in adult patients whose weights are in normal proportion to their heights is the ___________________.
What is rule of nines
severe edema present; color black, brown, yellow, white or red; healing time - weeks to months; skin grafts required
What is Full thickness burn
Occurs when high voltage (greater than 1000 volts) enters the body
What is electrical injury
the first priority of management during the emergent phase
What is assess for airway patency and secure the airway.
Chemical injury from the inhalation of combustion by- products
What is smoke poisioning
The size of the injury is first estimated in comparison with the TBSA or ___________________.
What is total body surface area