Would Rather
When Leeana was in first grade, what name had she wrote on the counter of the first Columbia room.
What is Gabe
What sport was Leeana in at five years old?
What is ballet
What would Leeana rather do than READ!?! Reading... IS HER LIFE!
What is write poetry
What was Leeana's favorite mammal from 1st to 3rd grade?
What is horse
In 6th grade, who did Leeana refer to as "My little brother"
What is Micah Anthony Holmes
When Leeana joined LCMCS who were her first three friends?
What is Mary, Emma, and Gabe
What weird, irrational, and stupid phobias does Leeana have? List at least 3 correctly. You may list the phobia or fear itself.
What is Achluophobia- Fear of darkness. Agoraphobia- Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded public places like markets, and fear of leaving a safe place. Algophobia- Fear of pain. Pedophilia phobia- Fear of pedophiles. Thalassophobia- Is an intense and persistent fear of the sea/ocean. *No phobia ame because it's irrational* Fear of abduction.
Would Leeana rather be alone sitting near a blue glittering lake on a sunny day OR in a mall filled with FREE CLOTHES.
What is alone near a blue glittering lake on a sunny day
What is Leeana's favriot drink?
What is Champurrado
What two perosnalities was Leeana catagorized into this year? ENFJ and INTP or INFJ and ISFJ or INTJ and ISTJ
What is INFJ (Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tirless idealists) and ISFJ (Very dedicated and warm protectors, always ready to defend thier loved ones)
In what grade did Leeana finally learn DIVISION? HINT:(Thank you LORA)
What is 5th grade
Which arm did Leeana break at five years old?
What is left arm
Would Leeana rather bring Tata Lupe back to life or Christopher Columbus. Hint: Tata Lupe is a great-great grandfather and Christopher Columbus sailed and found U.S.A
What is Tata Lupe
What is one of Leeana's most prized hobbies, that is not fire proof.
What is books
In her 6th grade diary, which two boys did she mean when she wrote "I can no longer be around *Blur* because that evil *Blur* has betrayed me"
What is Owen and Micah
List Leeana's favorite teachers in order from 4th to 7th grade. HINT: There is only three.
What is Earl Kemmer, Lora Modlin, and Caitlin Spanjer.
When 6-7 year old Leeana unlocked the bathroom door when Mary was in it, what tool did she use? HINT: If you've ever been locked in Leeana's room she keeps this item in her drawer.
What is butterknife
Would Leeana rather hang out with a well built, tall, magical, handsome total stranger OR hide in a apocalypse for the rest of her life and possibly be eaten.
What is hide in a apocalypse
What clothing is Leeana always in need when shopping with mom?
What is PANTS! (Jeans may also be an answer)
What's Leeana's favriot ice cream flavor?
What is Cookies n cream/Oreo
In which grade did Leeana eat the berries that were supposed to be "poisonouse" and possibly kill her?
What is 1st grade
In what month and year did Leeana and her family move to Oregon? HINT: Yuli was 2 months old
What is January 2005
Currently in LCMCS would Leeana rather be in humantities, spanish, or math?
What is humantities
Which favorite movie did little Leeana watch all day and bore her mature tia and imature tio to death. HINT: Barbie related
What is Barbie and the Nutcracker
Who is the friend that Leeana has NEVER fought with and has never thought badly of.
What is Mary