Who is primary transporter for Lake Point Recovery and Wellness?
Who is Chaplin Garner or Chaplin.
What day and time range is Visitation help on?
What is Tuesday's from 3:00pm-4:00pm.
Client phone calls are allowed after the first ____ days of treatment?
What is 7 days.
What color code is the Lightning Plan
What is yellow.
What 3 programs do ARVAC have under its umbrella?
What is Head Start, Lake Point Recovery and Wellness, and Crisis Intervention Programs.
When are WIC Pick-ups schedule for?
What is the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month.
The Visitation Request (Form) must be submitted to admission (Jessica) each week before 12pm on Mondays. What color are these forms?
What is the Pink form?
Lake Point Recovery and Wellness defines _______ as two people excluding themselves from other people and having one-on-one conversations. (Passing notes, holding hands, writing letters, kissing, any sexual references, and inappropriate contact of any kind)
What is Fraternization.
What color code is the Fire Evacuation Plan
What is Red.
What is ARVAC Inc Mission Statement.
What is promotes self-sufficiency and provides pathways out of poverty for individuals, families, and communities.
Clients with pre-approved job schedules must submit their work schedule to the Transportation Drop Box no later than when?
What is Thursday at 4pm each week (for the following week)
How many adults are allowed per client to visit? What needs to be completed before a visitor can enter the building?
What is 2 adults and a ROI (release of information)
Clients are prohibited from sleeping after 7 a.m. unless approved by which(4) individuals.
What is LPN, Counselor, Medical Director, or Health and Safety Officer.
What color code is the Utility Failure?
What is purple?
A client has been a great role model in treatment he/she completed the 30 day program. They worked hard and was very helpful. They seem so ready and determined be sober, they ask a staff member “ can you add me on Facebook, I really want to keep in touch with my progress”
Ethical or Unethical
What is unethical.
When are Needs Runs schedule for?
What is the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month.
Before a family can get a visit what is required and what time range is this held from?
This is a two-part answer.
What is Family Orientation Class or Family Curriculum or Family Class.
Time Range: 2:00pm-3:00pm.
We reserve the right to conduct drug screenings at any time, with or without prior notification. Refusal to take a drug screening will result in disciplinary action and is considered as non-compliance. A client will be offered ____ Gatorade or water and ___ hours to test before they are dismissed from the program for failure to take the drug screen.
What is 1 Gatorade or water and 2 hours to test.
What color code is for medical Emergencies?
What is Code Blue.
When observing a drug test, you are only required to be present in the room?
True or False
What False. Explain?
Sick children needing non-emergency medical attention require coordination with who?
Who are the on-call RN and MD prior to scheduling the offsite visit.
Visitors MUST leave what items locked in the vehicle?
What are purses, cellphones, wallets, and food. Nothing should be brought in visitation.
When a client is going from one staff to the next after a directive is given.
What is Staff Splitting.
What color code is the Suspicious/Threatening Person.
What is Grey.
When a person is in Detox does this count as a Residential treatment Day?
Treatment plans are due on what day after residential admission?
Two-part question.
What is No. Explain?
What is 7 days?