which date did i pay for
2nd, concert
favorite food
What breakfast food do i not reach for ever
what is my favorite flower
during college, where was i living in the summer
the rv
1pm, 2 hours
favorite drink BESIDES coke
sweet tea
what is my least favorite subject in school
Since COLLEGE how many hair colors have gone through?
5 ( blond, dark brown , black, red , light brown )
How many siblings do i have ( not the older ones )
what is my favorite thing to do on a date
take a picture
What is my favorite nfl team
what do i wish i could change about our story
how we met
How many dogs have i had
what type of music was played on days we cleaned
jazzy funky black singers, quartets, 60-80's pop
forever and ever ,amen . randy travis
What is my favorite college team
what is my least favorite part of your family
loud, or the church of christ jokes
what are my top 3 love languages
time, touch, gifts
what tattoo do i want for the boys of the fam
bouquet of birth flowers
what is my favorite part about BEFORE the date starts
getting ready/ dressing up
what is my favorite play
what is my least favorite brand of energy drink
How many towns have i lived in
as punishment, what did i have to do from time to time when i was in the 4rd-6th grade
pick up cow turds