food pyramid
healthy snacking
what has more sugar?
Nutrition facts label
where do you look to see the number of calories in cereal?
c) A pack of sunflower seeds! Toaster pastries and candy bars are made up as mostly sugar. Sunflower seeds are high in protein, low in carbs and they are rich in vitamins and minerals
Which one is the healthiest? a) Two-pack of blueberry toaster pastries b) white chocolate, peanut, carmel candy bar c) a pack of sunflower seeds
b) Carbohydrates
Bread, pasta, and sweet potatoes are all good sources of what? a) Calcium b) Carbs c) protein
A CAN OF DR. PEPPER SODA A can of Dr. Pepper- 40 grams A glass of apple juice- 27 grams
What has more sugar? A can of Dr. Pepper soda OR A glass of apple juice
What food group goes with beans?
An apple! You often times get more nutrition out of eating fruit versus juice. If you buy juice at a store it normally has added sugar, or water. The skin of the apple also contains many vitamins that don't make it into the juice. When the juice is processed the fiber is lost.
What's healthier? Apple juice or an apple?
d) DON'T SKIP MEALS Your body needs food. When you skip a meal, you don't have enough energy to work as well. Also your metabolism will slow down so that your body can make what little food it has last longer, so you will actually gain weight.
What is the best meal to skip? a) Breakfast b) Lunch c) Dinner d) don't skip meals e) only skip meals if you want to lose weight
FROSTED FLAKES! Frosted Flakes: 11 grams of sugar in 3/4 cup. Frosted Cheerios: 12 grams of sugar in 3/4 cup.
What has more sugar? Frosted Flakes OR Frosted Cheerios
6 food groups
How many food groups are their? (including fats+oils)
FALSE! Granola bars are sometimes healthier, but often times not by much or not at all. Granola bars may be advertised as healthy, but advertising is not always 100% true. Granola bars are often packed with sugar and fat, so be sure to check the nutrition label before buying them!
TRUE or FALSE? Granola bars are always healthier than candy bars
It is against Michigan state law to tie a crocodile to a fire hydrant.
this is an automatic WIN! Congrats you get 300 points :) RANDOM FUNNY FACT:
4 LARGE MARSHMALLOWS 4 large marshmallows- 17 grams 1/2 cup vanilla icecream- 14 grams
What has more sugar? 4 large marshmallows OR 1/2 cup vanilla icecream
2 1/2 cups
How many cups of vegetables should you eat everyday?
d) all of the above! These are all healthy options for snacks. They all contain protien which is needed for our bodies to grow properly and for it to repair itself
What's the healthiest snack? a) saltines with peanut butter b)lowfat milk and gram crackers c) ants on a log (celery with peanutbutter and raisins) d) all of the above
c) Slightly larger than your fist If you make a fist with one hand and fold your other hand over it, this is about the size of your heart.
How big is your heart? a) the size of a tennis ball b) the size of a lemon c) slightly larger than your fist
DORITOS Wheat Thins: 4 grams of sugar in 9 crackers. Doritos: Less than 1 gram of sugar in 11 chips.
What has less sugar? Wheat thins OR Doritos
B) Cream- It does not contain enough calcium to be considered part of the milk group. It has too much fat and would be considered part of the fat and oils group.
Which one is not part of the milk food group? a) Cheese b) Cream c) Yogurt
The Doughnut! I know it’s hard to believe but a plain bagel has 340 calories and around 67 grams of carbs, when a plain glazed doughnut contains around 170 calories and 25 grams of carbs. The doughnut contains more sugar and fat, but if you put some butter or cream cheese on the bagel, then the fat content will be higher for the bagel.
What's healthier? A dougnut or a bagel?
A) French Fries Don't freak out just yet! This is only if you are eating a large amount of french fries everyday. But because their is an average 8 grams of trans fats per serving in French fries, the risk of death from heart disease from eating French fries is higher than the death rate from cancer and car accidents.
What is Which of these is likelier to kill you? A) French fries B) car accident C) cancer
SKITTLES Skittles : 47g Starburst Fruit Chews : 34g
What has more sugar? one package of: Skittles OR Starbust chews