Lil Tidbits
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This is Alicia's middle name.

What is nothing?


This collection is widespread throughout our home. There are seasonal ones, decorative ones, all different kinds. If this is under the category of collections and this isn't your first thought, GTFO.

What are gnomes?


This is the tattoo that we have together.

What is 251 or old address?


This is Alicia's parents' names and their chosen grandparent names.

What is Dave and Faith?

What is G and Yaya?


This is an act that Alicia cannot do. It involves exhaling into something that inflates. This something is typically seen around celebrations.

What is blow a balloon?


This collection is of something old and has to do with one of her hobbies. 

What is old cameras?


This tattoo is on her right thigh and has 4 eyes.

What is the 4 eyed lion?


The type of alcohol Alicia was most likely to drink before her pregnancy.

What is Gin?


This is what Alicia and her entire family call a bin for some reason.

What is a tuffy box?


This collection is of things that make music. The new ones suck compared to the old ones.

What are vinal records?


This is the tattoo that she got with another 'friend' that she no longer talks to. This friend used to make me late for school because he had to do his make-up.

What is the twisted snakes? 


The name of the book series Alicia was obsessed with as a child. She would be found reading this all hours of the night, repeatedly, and read this series instead of playing at recess.

What is Harry Porter?


This is an item that Alicia used to steal in college from the local bathrooms.

What is toilet paper?


This is a hot item to collect, and some find it weird that it's in the fridge.

What is hot sauce?


This is Alicia's first tattoo and arguably her largest. It can be found in the center of her chest.

What is the horcrux or the harry porter tattoo?


This was Alicia's first word.

What is apple juice?


This is an item that can freshen your breath but Alicia refuses to buy. Commonly bought at gas stations or convivence stores. 

What is gum?


This is a collection that she is going to disagree with me about. It has since been dealt with but was an issue in the old apartment and I need another question. It's found in kitchen and used for drinking.

What are jars?


This tattoo is for her brother.

What is the queen of England?


This is the only way Alicia will drink crystal light or water from the fridge.

What is after it's been refrigerated?